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Hero’s super late 2nd Disney Wild West Woody party. Do you know how many parties I’ve thrown for my boys and family that I’ve never gotten around to blogging? SO many. I procrastinate over culling, editing, which ones to post – and then suddenly it’s a year later and I’m planning a new party for…
The illness in this house and constant bugs floating around combined with lack of sleep are making me crazy. I just had to edit the title to read “2nd” instead of “1st”. Thank you, Jane! Well, even though Jensen Indiana turned 2 on 15th February this year, we decided way in advance that as his…
This Christmas, our gingerbread house building party was epic. Just completely epic. And I can say that because I have endorsement from three little boys who were over the moon that Mickey Mouse [read: ShopDisney] sent them all the Wreck-It Ralph 2, Ralph Breaks the Internet toys for their little party. So it became the…
Getting Lyoto to sit and eat at the table can be a huge challenge some days – and most days I won’t even waste my energy on it because, as a good friend of mine says, I don’t want to die on that mountain. As long as he’s fed and watered, I know the stage…
So… Summer…. Hero’s 2nd birthday party time! I’m thanking my stars that I had to change the date of Hero’s 2nd birthday party to August instead of keeping it at the start of July. The rain is pelting down here and poor Hero hasn’t even been out to get his “bum bounce” of the day…
Although on Friday, the calendar proclaimed to the rest of the United Kingdom that it was indeed St. David’s Day, in the Jones household (since both Dadda and I were working on Friday) we delayed our celebrations until the weekend…when our daffodils decided in unison that it was time to put in an appearance. Trumpeting their…