So you have a great camera but less than great photographs?
I’m here to help – with three great options! I’ve taught families, bloggers and professionals – and I can help you, too.
“I wish my photographs looked like…”
Have you ever scrolled social media and wished that you could capture your memories like the grass-is-greener blogger you’re following? You can – I promise!
Ten years ago I bought my first DSLR in an attempt to take “3D” photographs of my children growing up. I quickly realised that to my horror, my great camera did not produce the great photographs I was expecting in automatic mode, at the click of a button- and so I’ve spent the last ten years learning how to create the memories I want to cherish with my camera – and helping others do the same.
Over the years I’ve spoken at conferences and taught sessions for large groups, provided one to one tuition for students, and hosted beautiful countryside retreats for people to get to grips with their camera, learn and understand how to capture the images they want…and I can help you, too.
Ready to transform your photography?
Do you have a DSLR? Is it still in automatic mode?
these have all happened to me – how about you?
scared you’ll embarrass yourself? you won’t.
I’ve asked all the questions, made all the mistakes…so you don’t need to.
I’ve read SO many books on the exposure triangle, taken SO many blurry shots, over and under exposed and made every mistake possible along the way – I’ve been in your shoes. My mistakes mean that I know how to break things down and make everything easy to understand.
Worried you’ll take longer to understand things? Don’t be – everyone learns in different ways, at different speeds. Our beginner course is spread over 6 weeks to ensure everyone can keep up.
now is the best time to begin your journey
You can create beautiful memories that will last a lifetime
Make portraits to hang proudly on your walls, photo books to share on rainy days and document your family life as you grow together, in the best way possible – through your eyes. No one can capture your family as uniquely as you can. It just takes time, effort and practice. You can do this.

how can I help?
Here’s the photography menu…
option one
Manual Photography for Beginners – £250
Course Duration: 6 Weeks
This course is for those of us who have a DSLR and want more control over their images by making the switch from automatic to manual shooting. During the course, through online meetings and practical homework tasks, we will cover:
– The Exposure Triangle – the relationship between Aperture, Shutter speed and ISO setting
– How to identify different types of light and understanding white balance
– Different Lenses and Focal Lengths
– How to ensure consistently sharp images
– Composition
option Two
Introduction to Photoshop – £149
Course Duration: 5 weeks
It looks terrifying, I know. The first time I opened Photoshop, I poked at a few buttons, didn’t understand anything and closed it again. Don’t be put off by all the icons and menus, Photoshop is an incredible editing tool that can help being your photographs to life. Through a combination of online sessions and practical homework tasks, we’ll be covering:
-Basic editing techniques for retouching
-Masks and Layers
-Filters and Overlays
option Three
One to One Tuition – £149
Course Duration: 2 Hours
If you’ve already taken the beginner’s course and want to learn more, or there’s an area of photography you’d like to explore more, such as food or product photography, or you’re this bespoke package is perfect for you. We can do this in person if you’re local to Hampshire, or over Zoom. Get in touch and we can talk about how I can help.