#Words on Wednesday

Words For Wednesday…
Spring has sprung! Finally the rain appears to have stopped… …even the afternoon sunshine is peeping though. ‘);

Where In Walt Disney World Wednesday…
Since I’ll be editing Disney World photos until I’m retired it seems, I decided that some Wednesdays will be “Where in Walt Disney World Wednesdays”…any guesses where we are?

Sometimes…. {I Heart Snapping}
…celebrating is exhausting. By midday yesterday, my second little prince was asleep. He looks so tiny now, yet in less than three months, he’ll suddenly blossom before my eyes into a little boy as his baby brother joins us. Our three Musketeers. I’m more than completely in love.

Words for Wednesday (Disney Style)
Editing the photos from our holiday, I’m suffering from more than a little “wish I was there” syndrome… Can you guess where this was taken? (The mister is in the background, not some random stranger).