We are practically overrun with PJ Masks people in this house, and there’s not much we don’t know about them – especially their love of vehicles. We have Moon Rovers and racers and buses and trucks – and on Wednesday 20th February, every PJ Mask fan is invited to take part in a PJ Masks race day at home and hosted online by Uk.Mums.Tv over on Twitter, as we see who’s the best PJ Mask racer in our home.

Normally there’s a fast distribution of PJ Masks toys – Hero is Gekko [smallest], Lyoto is Cat Boy and being the oldest, Jensen gets Owlette because he’s a good sport. This time however, we were sent Romeo in a little racer of his own. Jensen quickly decided he would become the race saboteur.

Despite his best efforts, it didn’t go well for poor Romeo, even after he decided to pop sparkly starts all over the track [apparently Ninja stars he borrowed from Night Ninja according to Jensen] as Romeo’s car needs him to stand up and despite our best efforts, we could not get him to stand up and not fall forwards with his [as Jens described it] huge bonnet of hair. So poor Romeo lost – and honestly, even though he didn’t, we had to let Gekko win because Hero wasn’t feeling at all good and any other result would have resulted in a flood of tears on the racetrack.

If you want to join in, you can get your PJ Masks

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