Silent Sunday…(14 July 2013)
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This 5 minute fun post is collaborative – we’ve been gifted a 6 month subscription to CBeebies magazine for our time. “Just give me five minutes!” It’s never 5 minute fun time – always five minute wait-for-mommy-to-finish-time. Generally because they never stop talking to me and so I barely get an opportunity to think clearly, or…
What’s for dinner? Well….It’s glaringly obvious from my recent receipts from ASDA and the Co-Op that when I don’t plan meals, I spend a fortune. I was going to say small fortune, but honestly, it’s a fortune. I hold my breath at the checkout and smile and say thank you whilst inside I’m crying and…
“Nothing.” is not the inspirational answer I hope for each time I ask the mister what he would like for any special occasion…but it’s the one I get, anyway. Buying for him really makes me wish that the phrase, “it’s the thought that counts” was a reality, because if it did, the gifts he eventually…
Now I’m getting older, I’m less [far less] about the clubs and pubs, and more about relaxing and chatting and enjoying a good meal with friends. Last Year I was lucky enough to be invited on a retreat with a dozen or so close friends to sample the delights of the Hampshire countryside [which I…
This post is sponsored by Playbrush – all words and opinions are my own. We are ONE WEEK away from our first family trip to Disneyland Paris and after seeing all of the new treats that are awaiting us at the parks, there’s no better time than to write about what we’ve been testing lately…