Silent Sunday…
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Although I adore Hallowe’en, I’m equally as excited about the event that follows it; Bonfire Night. Arguably we’re approaching one of the most dangerous times of the year – and with three boys under five I’m alert to many of the dangers I never considered when I was a child, having fun “oooh”ing and “ahhh”ing…
…celebrating is exhausting. By midday yesterday, my second little prince was asleep. He looks so tiny now, yet in less than three months, he’ll suddenly blossom before my eyes into a little boy as his baby brother joins us. Our three Musketeers. I’m more than completely in love.
Thanks to the amazing and delicious talents of The Cake Pop Princess, on the eve of our birthday tea, we had sumptuous cake pops. Yes, we had more cake. It’s okay though, this is cake on a lollipop stick we’re talking about. It’s a whole different food group. A super-cute and really rather fantastic food…
I never understood those people who had “their” seat. From the children I’ve seen have a meltdown in class to my own dad and husband, I couldn’t understand how a particular seat could be so important to any of them [it seemed a little nutsy] – although I do understand the need to buy quality…
Last week Yotie came out of school beaming a smile which could only mean one thing. Sure enough, there it was, tucked under his arm in a cloth tote bag… Humphrey the Hummingbird. Humphrey was coming home with us for the weekend to have some fun. I groaned inwardly. Not because I’m some evil killjoy…