Words for Wednesday…

Want beautiful family portraits? Learn how to use your camera in our free course!
It’s My Little Box day! We’ve been subscribers to my favourite beauty and lifestyle box ever for about a year now, and as I don’t use all of the products, I decided that I’d share my boxes instead of just hoarding them into my bathroom closet. Carry on reading for how you can win! This…
Sandwiches have always played a huge part in my life. Sugar and butter sandwiches when my mum had nothing else to give us for lunch at the end of the month before payday, bacon [sausage for my dad] and egg sandwiches on Friday lunchtimes during Summer holidays working in my dad’s engineering company as a…
For no reason whatsoever today, I was thinking about jumpers. They’re warm, they’re snuggly, and if you take care of them well, they can last you a lifetime. Memories….and jumpers. Nothing holds memories so warm and dear to me as jumpers. You probably call them pullovers or sweaters or cardigans, but to me they…
Red, white and blue flowers?! It must be time for Britmums Live! We’re over at the Britmums site, talking about how to prepare for the most exciting social networking event of the blogging year! Come on over – are you going? Have you been before? What’s your best tip for a happy, stress free conference?
Despite everything you know, everything you’ve read, if you’ve witnessed your precious child suffer a febrile convulsion, fevers are terrifying experiences. When Jensen Indiana was ten months old, just a few days after Christmas, he had what we assumed was a miserable cold and he fell asleep as normal, lay under the twinkly fairy lights…
I made it. Ten weeks in, and ten per cent of my body mass has gone. Forever [I hope]. Last night at Slimming World I crept onto the scales praying to see me drop below the next stone marker and there, three pounds lighter, my award popped onto the screen. Club Ten. I can’t actually…