Words for Wednesday…

Want beautiful family portraits? Learn how to use your camera in our free course!
“Nothing.” is not the inspirational answer I hope for each time I ask the mister what he would like for any special occasion…but it’s the one I get, anyway. Buying for him really makes me wish that the phrase, “it’s the thought that counts” was a reality, because if it did, the gifts he eventually…
This is a little different to the posts I normally write, but hopefully it will help if you’re just bought your first DSLR and you’re completely confused, and thinking, “Which lens do I buy?” After being asked so many times which camera I use – which is exactly the question I was asking when I…
It goes without saying that a happy household has happy kids. They are the sunshine of the home, and they make things a little brighter for everyone, and as parents, we naturally want the best for them. Making them happy and ensuring that they thrive is one of the many things that parents often wonder…
Just like Handy Manny, we celebrated Cinco de Mayo in style this year. Thankfully Mr. Lopart and his sabotaging furball Fluffy were nowhere to be found, but thanks to Discovery Foods (and the hard work of my husband at 11 p.m) we enjoyed our own mini Mexican fiesta! Since I can’t cook take any credit…
It’s not often that I take “warts and all” photos of the boys when I know they’re heading for a blog post. Generally there’s a clearing of the planned photo site, and some care is taken over what they’re wearing. This isn’t one of those posts. This is a children-running-about-in-pants, bath towels on the washing…
It’s when the weather is this hot that I’m especially grateful to be living on the South Coast of England. We have silky soft, sandy beaches to spend the day lay on [or chasing children on], hand dipped, home farmed ice creams to dine on and lush, breezy meadow walks to cherish on lazy Sunday…