Rainbow Sprinkle Muffins

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With St. Patrick’s Day edging nearer, and with the weather improving here in the South to the point where we can almost get out and play happily without our smiles freezing on our faces, we decided to fill our morning yesterday with a little rainbow magic.  The sun was streaming pure happiness through our nose and finger printed windows and as Momma discovered late the previous night that there were no biscuits or cakes left in the house for late-night emergencies or afternoon snacks.  So muffins it was.

We used our old faithful recipe from here.

After gathering the ingredients, Baby Dragon was in charge of the dry ingredients.  He stirred very calmly.  Very undragon-like.

Our Little Adventurer was the boss of the wet ingredients and sprinkles.

Everything was surprisingly calm and cheery.  Each having a job they loved seemed to keep them occupied and so the mixture received more attention than normal.  We were in for lump-less muffins, but I couldn’t bear to take away the bowls before they were done.

Jensen Indiana poured in the milk and raw (egg).  We call raw eggs “raws” in our house.  Everything has a name with a reason.  Our oven is called Bernie ~ because he’ll burn you.  Our knives are “Dangerous Knife” (chopping knife) “Dangerous San” (our Japanese knife), and “Dangerous Ulu” (our Alaskan chopping knife) and there are others like “Kind Spatula”.  They all have names.  Raw eggs are just called “raws” because you can’t eat a raw, you have to cook them before they are eggs. Mr. Scrambler (our beloved handheld mixer) died this week. Jensen cried.



Baby Dragon realised that crumbs are good for sprinkling…but difficult to scrape back up.
Once the milk and raw were added, it got more exciting.  Like, got-to-get-my-little-hands-in-there-and-squish-it-between-my-fingers exciting.
Our Little Adventurer added the rainbow sprinkles…

After much more stirring and singing of, “Wind the Bobbin Up” by Jensen, they were in Bernie whilst Baby Dragon had a nap, and out again in time for a photo for the scrapbook. Jensen and the huskies sampleda few of them to make sure that they weren’t poisonous before Dadda got home.


They were safe.  Better to check though, said Jensen.


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