This post is a collaboration with Action Man Toys
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We all reminisce about our childhoods – and right up there in the most loved toys of Gav, father of Joneses, is Action Man. He sits on a ‘toys of yesteryear’ pedestal along with the very first Nintendo and Masters of the Universe figures. He is, of course, Action Man – and this year, he’s back!

So, if you’re struggling for something a little bit different to give to the Dad in your life, he’s ready for action!

The boys were sent two Action Men to give to their Daddy this father’s day and there’s been a keen inspection of them and comparison to the Action Men he had in his childhood. There are two tiers of Action Man available – regular and deluxe, in both Sailor, Soldier and Pilot. They’re all 30cm tall, and have articulated shoulders, waist and head. The knees bend too so they can have a rest when they aren’t going all out as Action Men.

Gav was more than delighted to see Action Man back in the saddle but is still yearning for the fuzzy heads and moving eyes he had in his own dolls – and the one Action man who apparently had some kind of periscope action where you could actually SEE through his head and as if you were him. The boys did a full investigation and also noted that his pants were missing [the same thing we all checked when we were little] and several points of articulation were lacking in comparison to the original model, but he’s well made, durable and the boys were more than delighted to have some male dolls to play with.

My favourite part is the teeny little set of dog tags which came with the Action Man dolls. I doubt that Gav will see these Action Men again – they’re already been assigned Superhero friends in the dolls box upstairs. Still, he had fun whilst he was allowed to. haha.

My son loves his action man – he plays with his sisters barbies in imaginative play along with them lol!!
What little boy doesnt love an Action Man, my son took his everywhere with him, used to enjoy dressing him up and playing soldiers with him