Book Shaped Sandwich Wraps
Book Shaped Sandwich Wraps – Fun School Themed Food for Back to School Lunches!

Hey, friends! School is officially over here in the South of England and I couldn’t be happier. I mean, besides the fact I will get practically no work done for the next six weeks and I’ll be like constant negotiator most days as we’re staying safe at home still during this pandemic, of course. So I’ve been making Back to School treats in readiness for the new term – and I think these have been some of my favourites so far. I even made them for Gav’s and my lunch because they were so fun – and tasted pretty good too!

So my boys, as I’m sure I’ve mentioned before, are all different in their eating habits but all of them eat with their eyes. If it looks cute, they’ll try it. My oldest two aren’t fond of bread [who even are these kids?] and so getting them to eat a sandwich is usually in my don’t bother list of things to do. These book shaped sandwich wraps though made them think twice and try them. Surprise, surprise, they got eaten. Haha.
Ingredients for your Back to School Sandwiches

All you need is your basic sandwich ingredients with an added element I don’t usually use with sandwiches.
- Wraps – we used white flour wraps and wheat and white wraps
- Margarine or Butter, or cream cheese
- Sliced Ham and Chicken
- Cheese Slices
- Lettuce
- Cucumber
- Chives

Step One – Filling the Sandwich Book Pages

Using whichever sandwich fillings you’d like, butter and layer the ingredients. Remember these are going to be book shaped and so they will be folded – I imagined a line down the middle of each wrap and made sure that the meat was on both sides and the cheese and salad only on one.
Step Two – Making Book Shaped Sandwich Wraps

The second step is folding the wraps in half to make the books. Do it very carefully and make sure they’re flat so they don’t flap open. Then take your knife and slice them into book shapes – you can have a curved book [I liked these because the lettuce could peep out like bookmarkers or loose pages] or very straight ones. I used little letter cutters to emboss the corners of each of our book wraps so we knew whose was whose.
Step Three – Binding the Book Shaped Sandwich Wraps

This was way easier than I imagined thankfully. Once the Book shaped sandwich wraps look like little books and are all folded neatly, pressing lightly but firmly on the wrap, skewer three holes along the spine with your wooden skewer. Make sure the hole goes all of the way through and give it a twist and wiggle.
Once that’s done, take a chive and thread it through each hole. When all of them are threaded, gently tie each one. Do it slowly and carefully or they’ll snap. I found the thinner chives were easiest to work with. When they’re tied, snip off the ends and you have your little bookwiches!

More Back to School Fun Food Ideas here!

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Recipe Card

Book Shaped Sandwich Wraps
- Knife for Spreading
- Knife for Cutting
- Chopping Board
- Skewer
- 1 Pack Wraps – we used white flour wraps and wheat and white wraps
- 1 Tub Margarine or Butter or cream cheese
- 1 Pack Sliced Ham and Chicken
- 1 Pack Cheese Slices
- 1 Lettuce
- 1 Cucumber
- 1 Pack Chives
- Butter Your Wraps – or add cream cheese if you prefer.
- Lay your sandwich fillings onto the wraps – remember they will be folded in half and so imagine a line down the middle of each sandwich.
- Fold the wraps in half and slice into book shapes.
- Using the wooden skewer, pierce each wrap three times in a vertical row about two centimetres in from the spine, ready for binding.
- Thread a chive through each hole and gently tie.
- Serve!