There’s a bright, floral box next to our airing cupboard that contains one of the most distinguishing features of most families I know…odd socks. With three boys there are an awful lot of socks in the house and despite my best efforts [and those of the really lovely lady who tumble dries our clothing in the Winter at the laundromat] to pair them, somehow we have currently 37 odd socks. How does that even happen? Where do they go?
I buy new socks every time I visit my parents in the Midlands – mainly because in my rush to get everything into the car, finding socks that match is the last [and most time consuming] thing on my mind. And so the boys get the delight of new socks on average about every two months. I also really like new socks for them. I hate old, tight feeling, bobbly looking socks. In fact, now that I think about it, if I could throw socks away as soon as they were used [and I may as well after some of the states the boys’ socks have gotten into], I’d be a happy lady. Daddy wouldn’t like that though. I think some of his socks might be over a decade old.
As I love new socks so very, very much, the superbly lovely people over at ChattyFeet socks sent ALL of us a pair of socks to try out – all matching! We had fun this weekend messing about with them, and you can see just how keen the boys were to get new footwear! They’re so comfy and there are a whole range of fun designs, including “Kate Middletoe” for those of you, like me, who are SO excited over the new Princess’s arrival!
I would show you photographs of the boys’ puppet shows with their socks – but my middle son is a nudist at heart [except for socks].
Jensen chose ChattyFeet’s Miko socks for us all [Daddy will love wearing these to work in the Summer] and they even fitted Baby Hero!
I’m keeping a very careful eye on these socks. No missing Mikos please, boys. And if anyone has any advice on keeping pairs of socks together, please, please pass it on.