This post about the Suburban Tiki Bar contains a gifted item – Ableforth’s Bathtub Gin – which is clearly specified.

So whilst we were away last weekend, enjoying a little bit of sunshine [and rain, and our favourite milkshake and burger restaurant, and eating chips on the beach in our soggy clothes] down in Worthing and celebrating Gav’s brother’s birthday, we spent some time in our favourite room in Aunty Ginny and Uncle Garth’s house – the Tiki Bar. It even has a name for it – the Surburban Tiki – and its own coasters!

It was the only place for us to enjoy the bottle of Ableforth’s Bathtub Gin that they sent us very kindly this week. They’re asking people how they would spend a week well in their competition so if you have an idea of a week well spent you’d like to enter, hop on over to read all about it. We haven’t actually managed to enjoy a cocktail yet because we were all about chasing the kids and playing board games, but we’re working on it. I can feel it getting closer. Haha. My imaginary cocktail of Ableforth’s Bathtub gin has a huge wedge of orange in it and I can’t wait. I’ll show you when I have it. I promise.

They have the largest collection of Tiki mugs and glasses I’ve ever seen – lots of them from Trader Sam’s [where we are very much looking forward to going to next time we’re in Disney World], and a rather large collection of some amazing cocktail ingredients to go with them. There’s even track lighting. It’s a room I can sit in for over and hour and still be spotting things I haven’t seen before.

So why the Surburban Tiki Bar for my week[end] well spent? Well, it’s quiet, it’s relaxing and it brings Disney sunshine back into my life when I pretend I’m there. Plus, Aunty Ginny mixes a really, really good cocktail. She should really quit animating and become a Tom Cruise style bartender on the beach.

that bar is really unique i like it
i love this, looks so original
That’s an impressive collection of Tiki mugs.