Our Walt Disney Fairytale Wedding (Series) August 4th: Our Last Single Dinner at Cinderella’s Castle.
myself months in advance. I decided to take him to Cinderella’s Royal
Table to see the Fairy Godmother. I figured if anyone could make our
dreams come true, it would be her.So, we set off to the Magic Kingdom and I marched Gav right around the
castle to confuse him (well, to try to), and then back in. It was so
funny, there are so few places that you can actually pretend to be going
instead of there so it looked quite obvious.
So we go in and have our photo and go upstairs. We get given a wand and
a sword and we are delighted. The lady on the stairs said we looked
like people who would enjoy them.
Upstairs we were seated by a man from Dudley, near my home town! We
were surprised and had a little chat with him. He said he loved it when
people from England came there as it reminded him of home…
He bought us some rolls, it was so beautiful ~ the table runners were so
regal! I had my “Disney Bride” t-shirt on from my freaky
wedding wardrobe and Gav had his beloved Stitch Groom shirt on. He’s a good sport like that.
Gav had the soup and I had the salad with raspberries. They were both
totally tasty! Saying that, they could have been awful and I would not
have cared at all ~ we were in Cinderella’s Castle!
The décor is amazing! The hanging drapes, the stained glass
windows, the split levels, the brickwork…the runners on the tables…
The aforementioned raspberry salad below was fabulous.… I had raspberries feature in our
wedding day since I love them so much. I eat them every week and I have to pay ridiculous prices but I can’t go
without them.

And I had the lavender chicken. It sounded so intriguing so I got it. It was delicious!
Delicious, of course ~ until I smiled at Gav and he said “Er, you have spinach in your teeth.” I had to run to the
royal bathroom to extract the offending spinach.
Then Suzy and Perla came out and gave me a hug. Aww.
song. She asked for anyone celebrating and Gavin, usually a quiet man,
yelled out “We’re getting married in the morning!!!” and the Fairy
Godmother sang the celebration song and everyone cheered for us.

As the desserts came, they announced that the family sat in the middle
of the restaurant had won the night at the castle ~ and we all cheered
loudly. The family however, were as glum as can be! They sort of
grimaced at everyone and barely spoke to each other whilst we were
watching them. If that had been me that had won, I would have been
leaping up and down shouting “I won, I won!!” (Which is probably why I
will never win it) Anyway, shocked at
their lack of enthusiasm, we returned to the chocolatey dessert…
Oh my, it was good… We went to pay and the server reminded me that I
had already paid when I booked ~ oops! Then they presented us with the
Cinderella’s Royal Table Flutes. We carried them
as carefully as we could back to the Yacht Club.
our joint room and whilst I sat on the balcony, Gav sat inside and we
wrote our vows. It took me about an hour and they were genuine, from my
heart and I cried when I wrote them. I knew when I cried that I was
saying the right things. We had grand plans of writing them months ago
but we just seemed never to find the right time. This was eventually
it.When we were finished, we tried to find my family and could not and so
we had a little swim in the sandy bottomed pool, rode the waterslide and
took it easy for the last half an hour before we went in, got changed
and Gav went to settle into his own room.
There seemed to be a million things to do before I could go to bed and
everything started to get to me. I had originally decided to stay on my
own the night before the wedding for fear that someone would snore but I
was getting all worked up over everything and my sister volunteered to
come and stay with me for the night and leave Dave in charge of the
children. I eventually was ready to start unpacking my things for the morning wake up of 4am, when I
got a call from a bridesmaid who wanted to change the time of her hair
appointment…. It’s a miracle I slept at all.
I finished transferring all of the things to Gav’s room where his
brother and girlfriend were already asleep (we’d planned to be asleep
hours ago) and I said goodnight to Gav. Events had built up over the past two days and I cried on
him. I felt so bad, this was supposed to be a wonderful time, not a
sorrowful one.
So I hugged Gav and returned to my room where my sister and I had a chat and I
painted my toenails silver to match my crystals with my favourite Hard
Candy polish. I changed into my new pyjamas ~ after all,
I might be photographed in them ~ and we climbed into bed. I fell asleep at around
midnight, in between talking to my sister. I had a restless night with
cystitis (I get this when I am stressed) and pains in my stomach. I was so upset all night and tossed and
turned. “Why me?” I kept thinking ~ of all the nights to feel poorly,
this was not a good one.