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Yooooo-hoooo, we can see you! |
Win the Captain America Box Set Below! Terms and Conditions here. After End Game, when Lyoto and I had finished sobbing, we decided [albeit a few months later, when the pain started to subside a little from losing Iron Man] that we’d rewatch the Marvel Comic Universe films in order again. There are so many…
We’re a Disney family. Disney wedding, Disney honeymoon, Disney babies – and now Disney toys. Father Christmas delivered a living room full of Jake and the Neverland pirates to two very excited little boys last year – and recently we were lucky enough to be given the newest addition to the adventures of the pirate…
I didn’t quite believe it when the press release came through. Normally I sigh at press releases as they’re so impersonal for me as a family blogger – but this one tugged at my heart strings. The silliest of old bears really IS old. He’s 90. NINETY. The best bear in all the world. Happy…
Just over a couple of weeks ago, we reached our 180 day mark. If you’re not a Walt Disney World addict, this will mean nothing to you. To anyone who has planned a holiday there before, it’s the second step of holiday planning, and possibly the most stressful one. 180 days means it’s ADR time….
Every Saturday morning, I wake up way before everyone else in our home. I get my shoes, grab the car keys and drive down the country lane that takes me to my favourite weekend hangout – the flower market. I fill my arms with flowers, have a chat with the people that work there, and…
Generally, if I have a product arrive for review, Dadda is nonchalant about the whole thing. He’ll ask what it is, help out if I need a photo, but that’s about the height of his interest…. Until this week. This week we were given the opportunity to review the current Holy Grail of toys…. Iron…