Our Walt Disney Fairytale Wedding (Series): Wedding Day…The Boots Are On…

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Find everything that you need including the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique info in our Ultimate Guide to Planning Your Disney Holiday. In case you’re off to Walt Disney World and you’ve never heard the words Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo before, these are the words that Cinderella’s Fairy Godmother uses to transform her with fairy magic into the…
This post about the Suburban Tiki Bar contains a gifted item – Ableforth’s Bathtub Gin – which is clearly specified. So whilst we were away last weekend, enjoying a little bit of sunshine [and rain, and our favourite milkshake and burger restaurant, and eating chips on the beach in our soggy clothes] down in Worthing…
Are you planning a trip to Disneyland Paris? Let us help! We’re adding to our blog constantly with tips and tricks to help you! If it’s Walt Disney World you’re thinking of visiting, our Ultimate Guide to Planning Your Disney Holiday is full of advice about things you might not know 🙂 DISNEYLAND PARIS STARS…
Last weekend I slipped out to the raspberry farm to get some more raspberries. It was bliss. I spent an hour alone in the sunshine, singing Elton John songs to myself (no idea why). In any case, I returned home with my haul ready for a very special brunch… Why so special? Today Jensen Indiana…
Catch up here!We literally threw our things into the beautiful room at the Boardwalk and scooted to the front of the hotel where they called us a taxi. We headed out to Kissimmee Courthouse for a license to get married! We took pictures on the way because the streets are so unlike anything in…
It seemed so far away and now it’s so near…almost too near. There’s so much to be done and so little time left to fit it all into. The Advance Dining Reservations are made, the Disney experiences are booked, the hotel and flights were sorted long ago. Now I’m left with passports to order, husky…