Silent Sunday..

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Now I’m getting older, I’m less [far less] about the clubs and pubs, and more about relaxing and chatting and enjoying a good meal with friends. Last Year I was lucky enough to be invited on a retreat with a dozen or so close friends to sample the delights of the Hampshire countryside [which I…
So, what’s been happening in the last seven days? I’ve skipped a few weeks whilst we migrated and I found my feet, and so here we are again, rounding up the week. Well, it’s summer apparently here in Hampshire and although we sadly aren’t going on holiday this year, it’s been an okay start to…
This post is sponsored by Playbrush – all words and opinions are my own. We are ONE WEEK away from our first family trip to Disneyland Paris and after seeing all of the new treats that are awaiting us at the parks, there’s no better time than to write about what we’ve been testing lately…
My favourite flowers are the ones you can’t buy in the stores. They’re usually presented to me in the palm of a small, mud freckled hand by a scuffed up little boy with a heart melting smile. Daisies, buttercups – generally with the petals wilting from being grasped so hard on their race back to…
There’s a bright, floral box next to our airing cupboard that contains one of the most distinguishing features of most families I know…odd socks. With three boys there are an awful lot of socks in the house and despite my best efforts [and those of the really lovely lady who tumble dries our clothing in…