Wordless Wednesday…

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The biggest and most highly anticipated meal of the year in our household is without a doubt the superbly indulgent Christmas dinner. Normally cooked by my husband, last year I took up the challenge and decided I would become the yuletide chef and create our celebratory feast from then onwards. Our oven will be one…
Mental Arithmetic. I can still remember the way I felt when I was at school and Friday rolled around, just so I could see how I’d score that week. I haven’t always been brilliant at it, but I guess I’ve always loved maths. When Gav and I met, we spent hours watching Numbers on TV…
If you follow us on Instagram you’ll have seen that today is our due date! We are 40 weeks today! We did think things were happening last night, but then it all stopped again. I know I’m jinxing myself to say that at this point in this pregnancy, I’m feeling the best I’ve ever felt…
We’re winding down – or rather, getting excitedly wound up ready for Father Christmas in our house and so I wanted to wish you all a very merry and wonderful Christmas. Thank you to everyone who reads our little stories, sends us emails, and a huge thank you to all of the fantastic brands that…
Nursery is the first stepping stone in a child’s education. Although it’s not compulsory, children can benefit from the educational opportunities available to them and a smooth transition into proper schooling. For parents it is also a means to get back to work, or just have a much-needed break. It’s a decision that is completely…
You’ve heard of Man Flu. It’s a very tragic and common condition. People, especially mothers, wives and girlfriends all over the country know men who have suffered terribly at the hands of this awful illness – and the men in our lives aren’t afraid of letting everyone know how badly they have it. However, for…