Words For Wednesday…

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This morning as I was layering on five Disney t-shirts – not five because I’m notoriously indecisive and couldn’t decide so just elected to put them all on, but five because it’s FREEZING here on the South Coast of England at the moment. Anyhow, I was rummaging through the airing cupboard wondering if I possibly…
We were sent these Juice products for the purposes of this review. All of our opinions are genuine – we want you to trust our reviews. If you think we missed something, please get in touch. I don’t know about you, but my phone battery never seems to last as long as I want it…
I still remember how difficult I found it to learn to tell the time – and Jens is at the age now where he wants to know [as does Yotie] what the time is independently. Part of me knows that he wants to learn so badly to see if we’re pulling the wool over his…
This Doormat Designs post is compensated by Wayfair as part of their Home Experts Panel Our doorway is the place in our home which is used the most and cared for the least. We’ve been in the same home for 18 years now [even Yotie asks when we’re moving and can he have a goldfish…
When I think back to holidays as a child, there were three kinds. Camping, caravanning and holidays abroad. The first time I sat on an airplane it 1986, I was 10, and we were on a 747 destined for my happy place. I’d never seen an airplane other than the ones that my Granny used…
The idea behind Slow Living, which has its origins in Italy, began to take shape in 1986 as a reaction to fast food. Favouring a different approach to modern life – Slow Living promotes the ethos that instead of rush, rush, rushing, we need to take time to appreciate the life that we live –…