Mother’s Day Tea Party with the ASDA Free From Range
This Mother’s Day Tea Party with the Asda Free From Range is a collaborative post, sponsored by ASDA.

My family
I’ve never ventured into the Free From aisle of our local ASDA in Eastleigh other than to buy their lactose free milk as I like it more and it feels kinder to my tummy, and secretly I’ve always thought that free from food must be less delicious without the gluten and so on that makes everything taste as it does to those people without allergies and intolerances. I never dreamed of expecting the boys to suddenly switch to Free From food without a reason.
Anyhow, after our Valentine’s Meal, ASDA invited us to try their Free From Range and so we decided to make it into a tea party with all of our
Here’s what we chose below.

We decided on ASDA Free From… pepperoni pizza, white bread, spread, mayonnaise, cheese, chicken nuggets, angel slices, strawberry
Both Gav and I were genuinely interested to see whether the boys would firstly tell the difference, and secondly whether they would willingly eat any of the free from items and so we decided to make it a challenge and have a blindfolded taste test. This started off well but Jensen’s mask was full face and so in the end we removed the packaging as most of the products looked exactly the same.
If you watched our stories you’ll see that poor Hero being only 4 was completely confused and thought that there was a right answer that we were after and it got a bit tearful for him thinking he was wrong – so in the end, they told us whether they were tasty and if they could spot their normal food choice.

As it was a Mother’s Day tea party, we had a beauty [mommy, of course] and beast [daddy] theme and Beast revealed which were

Cheese Sandwiches: These were made from white bread, spread, cheese
Sausage Rolls: They loved the sausage rolls – inhaled them – and commented through crumbs that the free from ones were just softer.
Angel Slices: No difference at all in taste according to the boys, except the Free From ones were bigger [therefore better] and fluffier according to Jensen. This one was hilarious trying to capture as every time I put the two slices down to compare, they ended up eating them before I was ready to tell them what to do.
Strawberry Yoghurt: Hero preferred the Free From one – and he’s the chief
Chocolate Mousse: I still preferred the normal one we have as dark chocolate isn’t something I particularly like anyway, but Hero again ate it all up, as he told us repeatedly, proudly and loudly. Gav said it was very good and had a nice bitter chocolate taste to it. Gav isn’t a fan of chocolate and so we’re onto a winner there!
Pepperoni Pizza: The only real difference was the texture of the base – none of us would have had a clue that it was a gluten free pizza and we all would have been happy having that for tea at the weekend!
Chocolate Biscuits: Lyoto is the one who eats the chocolate biscuits in our home and ruins every cup of tea I drink with them. My last mouthfuls are just disgusting and basically a watery chocolate biscuit grave. He said it was an awesome biscuit after dunking but it was a little less crunchy than his normal ones without dunking. There’s no way he’d turn these biscuits down. Haha.
Chicken Nuggets: This one was a shocker. I didn’t like the texture at all, but then I’m not a nugget fan anyway. However – the boys LOVED them! I was SO sure they’d not be impressed with a
Quiche: So this was slightly sneaky as only Gav and I like quiche but I had to know if I could tell the difference. Honestly? The texture was slightly different again, but if I’d been served this when I was out for lunch somewhere, I would have had no idea it was a Free From product.
Finally, we tried a chocolate Easter bunny!

All of us were really surprised with the Free From range. It actually made me panic less about having the boys’ friends over for dinner who have dietary requirements that I’ve never dealt with before – and I like being able to recommend products that I’ve tried now that I know are genuinely delicious. It’s made me want to learn more about what’s actually in

some lovely ideas !
I love afternoon tea and this looks like a great range!