Wordless Wednesday…
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It goes without saying that a happy household has happy kids. They are the sunshine of the home, and they make things a little brighter for everyone, and as parents, we naturally want the best for them. Making them happy and ensuring that they thrive is one of the many things that parents often wonder…
Sometimes it’s disheartening as a boy momma. It seems sometimes as though the only choices in the high street stores are drab, blue, and covered in trains and the like – and new season’s fashion is considered a new Spiderman pose on a T-shirt. Now, I’m all for superheroes but after purchasing the same set…
Even if I don’t make resolutions, which is rare – with the exception of this year, as waiting to hear if Dad was okay on New Years’ Eve didn’t make room for much else in my brain – each January I swear to myself that this will be the year that I have everything in…
Since I’ll be editing Disney World photos until I’m retired it seems, I decided that some Wednesdays will be “Where in Walt Disney World Wednesdays”…any guesses where we are?
This Sunday, we went conker hunting. It’s bittersweet each year now. This is the third year without my gorgeous fur baby Casanova, the third Autumn when he hasn’t been here to leap in and out of the crunchy golden leaves. I don’t talk about him a great deal, because when I do it brings tears…
Each year since Jensen was born, I’ve bought one of those huge, three feet tall shiny helium filled numeral balloons. Only last year did I think about using them for something more than just their parties, and so I decided to photograph them with their very-loved balloons so that when they’re 18, they can look…
So beautiful!
You may not have the full view, but you caught that great smile 🙂
It is still a wonderful memory!
Aww! cute
He is precious and stands out in the crowd with that smile! Thank you for linking up with the Oh My Heartsie Girls Wordless Wednesday.
Wishing you a wonderful week.
Lysa ~ Co-Host
I think that it is really sweet 🙂POSH
It is an adorable photo! Have a terrific day.
Aw, it's a lovely capture! Look at this precious smile… 🙂
Awwww cutest camel! Mine is a sheep and I almost cried when I saw him in the stage =)
It looks great to me. Happy New Year!