Silent Sunday…

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…was perfect. It was cinnamon sweet, warm and toasty, bursting with freshly grated nutmeg…and sprinkled in teeny tiny candy canes. Every smell, taste, touch, sight or sound said, “MERRY CHRISTMAS!” in large, bold (red) letters. There was no mistaking the season in the Jones household; Baby Dragon’s introduction to “festive” could only have been made…
Our blog has been empty for the past week, as has my heart. After a horrific tragedy, Gavin and I had to make the decision to end our brave Casanova’s life. We are heartbroken, lost, and angry at the cancer that caused his precious life to be cut short. Casanova leaves a…
It’s no secret in our family that whichever man we ask for any gift ideas, we get the same answer. And it’s vague at best. So this year I’ve taken matters into my own hands and done some research on the market way ahead of time to bring together some of the best ideas I…
Bum bounce. Bum bounce. BUMMMM BOUNCCCCCCCCE! I hear these words at least seven or eight times an hour as Hero pleads with me to join him on the trampoline in the back garden. Let’s forget that my body, post three huge baby boys, is hardly trampoline-ready, or that the neighbours can see me each time…
As it’s Thursday, we’re scraping the bottom of the treats drawer for the week and so we decided today would be a good day to make some scones for Dadda to come home from work and enjoy with us. As it turned out, Dadda arrived home early from work with a nasty sickness bug and…
Babies are beautiful – from the first glance at birth, we’re captivated. Their exquisite little features render us helpless and we fall head over heels, secretly thinking that whilst other babies are a little odd, in an angry-old-man-looking manner, somehow you have the most gorgeous looking little being on the face of the earth. …