Our Walt Disney Fairytale Wedding (Series) August 3rd…Continued
families’ hotel room answer machines as All Star Movies Reception said
that they had checked in, and we were so happy but assumed that they
just had had some kind of a delay and collapsed into bed. We asked them
to call us on the cell phone we’d eventually managed to set up.So, oblivious to what was going to happen that day, Gav and I made our
purchases and sat on the Boardwalk. Our families were here, we could
not have been any happier (unless our huskies would have been there too
of course).
My cupcake! This was (almost) too pretty to eat!


We call these following ones specifically Disney Birds as they appear to have evolved on Disney property…
I was up to no good, letting them share my cupcake, completely oblivious
to the “DO NOT FEED THE BIRDS” sign, and so we scuttled away
back to the lobby of the Boardwalk…

…and over with our chocolatey treats to check into our pre-wedding resort, the Yacht Club!