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When I was teaching, I lost count of the times I was told how difficult it was to get boys to write. Apparently, boys are difficult to make sit down and get writing, boys hate putting pencil to paper, blah-blah-blah. And in my experience it’s complete nonsense. Being a boy does not mean an inherent dislike of the art. I won’t drag my soapbox out from behind the sofa and tell you how much I shake my head in complete bewilderment and frustration at our National Curriculum for literacy, I’ll just say this. Boys love writing. Casdon Post Office
They write for purpose, write for fun, write because they LOVE to.
I was so happy that my boys got to test out the Casdon Post Office, because I had one just like it when I was little and I still remember the fun that I had with my sister, sending letters to our toys and stamping everything in sight. There’s nothing like stationery, stickers and stampers when you’re small.

One of the reasons I love the Casdon Post Office set so much is because through playing with it, my boys are acquiring real life skills. Literacy, numeracy, science – it’s amazing how easily concepts are understood when taught through play and exploration, instead of being talked at for at least 20 minutes at a time, crowded in front of a huge white smartboard screen whilst sat on their bottoms.

I played as a customer and bought copy of Exchange and Mart and some road tax. Jensen was adamant I needed to pay with chocolate money though. I suspect I’ve been duped.

The details – the little post box, the money box, and the postage scales!
How much fun can be had with this set, role playing.
The value for money of this toy – it’s something I would absolutely buy. Hours of play for only a few pounds.

We Wish
That the set was a little more recent – the boys had never seen car tax discs, tv licence forms and so on.
The post box was fully rounded – it kept falling out of the circular hole created for it.
That the stamper had an ink pad, the boys were very excited to see the stamper but couldn’t use it.
The till’s lid was fixed on a little better – it popped off a few times in play and was quite tricky to get back on.
We were sent the Casdon Post Office for the purpose of this review