C’EST LA VIE: lights by TENA
Bum bounce. Bum bounce. BUMMMM BOUNCCCCCCCCE!
Scientifically speaking, apparently one in three of us suffer post childbirth – although I don’t understand why they call it weakness, when my body has endured approximately 28+ months of babies squishing it about from the inside out. The very fact it’s still in my body and functioning at all is a miracle, but still. C’est la vie. You know, like when your boys use the peonies you’ve lovingly grown as tractor soup in their mud kitchen.

And because it IS life, TENA have asked us to spread that message, over and over. I’m done with being embarrassed. I’ll trampoline, run, sneeze without fear [most times] because lights by TENA take away the potential for public humiliation on the trampoline. The new lights by TENA products are five times drier [hooray!] and the feel fresh technology keeps me from feeling [or smelling] like I’m wearing a nappy thankfully.
Truthfully I’ve had plenty of Oooops moments – and times I’ve quite literally crossed my legs and prayed when coughing – but that’s okay. It’s not as taboo as it used to be – because it shouldn’t be. It’s normal. My boys are growing up knowing what lights by TENA are for – as evidenced by my self-proclaimed superhero, TENA-Man, who answered the door to the postman in his full regalia that day.
Hurry over and show some support to all of us who’ve had more Oooops moments than we care to remember – the campaign is running now until July 6th!