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I’ve been changing bottoms for six years now. I consider myself an expert.  We’ve cloth nappied our boys in the day, but at night – or when they’re wearing slimline clothes that just won’t accommodate a fluffy bottom, we’ve always trusted Pampers to keep them dry.  Over the past couple of months we’ve worked with Pampers to see just what goes into making their nappies so fantastically absorbent – including conducting the dryness test firsthand [which is a feat in itself] and now they claim to have cracked the most frustrating aspect of disposable nappy wearing for active little bodies – the sag.

You know, the swinging-between-the-legs, it looks like no one loves me enough to change my nappy, effect.  It’s mortifying enough as a parent if they appear a little saggy when you’re at the doctors or health visitor’s office, but can you imagine how it feels for your toddler?  First off, paper pants aren’t the nicest things to be wearing – but try running about with soggy beanbags in said pants – it can’t be fun, and those saggy bits can be pretty weighty if you’re a champion water drinker like Hero.  One of the first words he learned to say, much like Old Jack in Father Ted, was “Drink!”

So, we were more than happy to test the new technology of Pampers; their magical pods.  Designed to prevent sag by absorbing and distributing the wetness into three chambers as opposed to one, thus preventing that look whilst keeping your little one up to two times drier.  It’s called Pampers Premium Protection.  Horrifically I’ve caught myself wondering if this will make it less risky for me if I tread on a pair of worn Pampers that Hero has discarded on his rampage through the house in an attempt to gain extra “bum-free” time and feel the breeze on his little bottom.  It’s disgusting, but I don’t know anyone who hasn’t trodden on a strategically placed wet nappy at some point in their parenting career.

The photographs speak for themselves – and the pods really hold the water well.  Jensen was impressed to be able to help his brother out.  Sag or swag – I know which one Hero would pick given the choice when it comes to needing to keep up with his brothers.

We’ve trialled them, we love them [and I hope they extend this technology into the Easy Up Pants I love so much], and so here’s a peep at our very busy little Hero, trialling his new Pampers Active Fit Nappies.  If I could have found a teeny scientist coat, believe me, I would have.

We asked Hero to test the new technology on his morning at the park.

Pretty conclusive – we love the new look – have you tried the new Pampers yet?

Disclaimer: I’m working with BritMums and Pampers testing Active Fit nappies with new no-sag technology. I have been compensated for my time. All editorial and opinions are my own. Visit www.pampers.co.uk/star-product/pampers-active-fit today for more information

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