The Father Christmas and his Flamingoes Cake
Father Christmas has reindeer – but did you know he has flamingoes too? Apparently so. Ever since my wonderful friend sent us a fantastic cake decorating book our Little Adventurer has been desperate to make the “Father Christmas and ‘Mingoes cake” [which was a gnome] that graces the cover of it. This Sunday, the weather was awful and so we decided to give it a try.
The author blogs over at The Decorated Cookie and last Christmas we attempted (badly) to make her super-sweet melted snowman cookies (my first attempt at icing a cookie) and I’ve been a long time stalker of her blog 🙂

Jensen and Dadda made a sponge cake, Momma filled it with raspberry jam, iced it and covered it in coconut “grass”, coloured some fondant and left the boys to it. Here was what came out of the kitchen five minutes later…

Jensen was over the moon delighted about his cake. He wanted to play with it and we had so much trouble just trying to get a photo of the cake without him smooshing it out of love for it. The light was terrible with my point and clicker and so we had to resort to the bedroom for a photo. We don’t always eat cake in bed 😉

Back downstairs we cut the cake. Well, we cut the half a cake. What you can’t see is that this is a half cake. The batter didn’t stretch very far 🙂
In any case, we cut the cake and Jensen wanted Father Christmas (yes, it’s supposed to be a gnome but any man with a beard and red hat is Father Christmas to our little adventurer) to be on his piece.

Father Christmas didn’t last too long…

Poor Father Christmas. He knew what was coming next ~ you can see the fear in his eyes 😉

Nanny tried the cake today and loved it. The Mingoes are enjoying life at the moment being played with. They did not meet the same sorry end as F.C.I don’t know whether to be pleased about that or not; they’re bound to show up somewhere I don’t want to see them sometime soon 😉
All this cake making got me to wonder…If Gav can make those in five minutes, just imagine the possibilities with modeling chocolate and a few hours! 🙂 No more plastic decorations for my cupcakes!