Disclosure: We received the How to Train Your Dragon Plushy Collection from Posh Paws in return for this review
I’m shamefully going to admit that I never really showed much interest in How to Train Your Dragon when it was first released. Nor the second film – but Jensen had been reading the books and really wanted to go along and see it at the cinema. The chance to have my three sit nice and happily together without arguing due to cabin fever seemed like one I couldn’t afford to miss and so off we went to Southampton where I

The boys were beyond delighted when a HUGE box of dragons arrived – and if you were watching our Instagram stories when I was trying to capture these photos, it was chaos. Far too exciting and the boys decided they were

We have a giant toothless, the whole gang in medium sized plushies and some little bag clips too – and each one is made to the same high standard we love about Posh Paws. I’m trying to get Toothless for myself with his glow in the dark wings but no one will stop cuddling him. I’m biding my time.

Lyoto loves the medium sized plushies because they’re perfect for him to reenact the dragon adventures. Belch and Barf is his favourite and I’m so glad we have them as we can’t find a figure of it anywhere 🙁

These are all the dragons we have. Our dragon army. Those bad guys better beware.

Dragon love – Lyoto just loves them all, bless him. He’s turned his bunk beds into Berk more than once this week. Haha.

Thank you Posh Paws! We have a few more photos and as soon as everyone is well again I’ll have them up for everyone to see!