We were sent the Little Brian Paint Sticks in return for coverage. #LBPaintSticksMums
Click here for our Toy Review Catalogue to read our reviews before you buy!

Hero has been at preschool for two years now and I can count the number of things he’s made for me in those little sessions on two hands easily. He picks playing over making any time when he’s with his friends – and leaves the messy stuff for me to craft with him at home. Both he and Lyoto are hung up on painting and want to get the paints out at any given opportunity, and not always to make a beautiful piece of art for Mommy to hang on her fridge. In fact, there’s a huge box in the garden which contains a “potion” of sand, and a few colours of paint that they’ve secretly concocted.

This week were were sent lots and lots of Little Brian Paint Sticks.
Our first set to open was the 24 Pack, in a box.
We had so many Paint Sticks in this set that that the boys took to trying to put them in colour order to keep them in order. There are 12 classic colours, 6 day-glow colours [my favourite] and 6 metallic ones which are very pretty and subtle, and perfect for Christmas cards and robot drawing too.
So we had a huge set of colours and a little bucket too, with 20 colours – and you can win one of these below! The Bucket contains 20 Assorted Paint Sticks – 12 classic colours, 6 day-glow, and a silver and gold.

To use the Paint Sticks, use them just like Pritt Stick – pop off the top, twist up and use! What we love about Little Brian Paint Sticks is that they are the closest to mess free painting I’ve come across – no brushes, no water, they dry quickly so very little smudging or getting them on your clothes or furniture, we can take them anywhere with us too. The sticks are made with recyclable plastic which is great news – and they’re so smooth that Lyoto has been using them to help practise his handwriting without snagging pens and pencils.

Want to win some? Check out our Facebook page or Twitter!

I keep debating whther to buy these or not. My granddaughter loves painting and these would certainly make it a lot less messy.
They’re really good – we use them alot because you can also paint on windows and it comes off really easily. We’ve drawn our rainbow on our kitchen window with them!