Our Walt Disney Fairytale Honeymoon Cruise [Part 2]
Our Walt Disney Fairytale Honeymoon Cruise [Part 1] is here!
After fuelling up at Cape May Cafe, we headed back through the lobby of the Beach Club to our room to get ready for the cruise! The lobby here is so elegant, although I prefer the Yacht Club in terms of decor. The nautical look is something I love, all ship shape!

We found some seats to have a little rest in on the way… Such a big lobby.

In actuality we thought that we didn’t have that much time to spare and so we hot footed it back to our room and Gav got busy counting his “Benjamins” as he called them…. Poor Gav. After marrying me, he never got to hold (or see) this much money again…

All packed up, and with Gav loaded with Disney dollars and Benjamins like he was off to a gentleman’s bar, we left our cases for Bell Services and headed to check out. On the way we took our time to spot the little details that said we were in a Disney hotel.

After check out, we realised that now we actually DID have time to spare (a lot as it turns out, but at least we weren’t running the risk of missing the boat!) and so we went for a little walk around the grounds of the Yacht and Beach Clubs.

We had bags with us ready for embarkation with a few things in it in case our luggage didn’t make it to our stateroom before we needed it, and we also had Gav’s Tuxedo for formal night as I was so concerned it was going to get crumpled if I packed it. So, I had to lug it around with me instead. Urgh. It was worth it though.

We decided to find somewhere to sit and take in the view and Gav managed to get a swing for us to sit on. His poor feet were suffering and I felt awful for him. Of course Gav was wearing his hat… THAT hat. It went everywhere with us on honeymoon, it was like a third wheel. It still hangs on our bedstead and Jensen Indiana likes to wear it.

I was mostly concerned that my curly hair was going to fall out and so sitting still was fine with me!

So, we played on the swings and took it in turns to have little meanders when we got bored.

Here are Gav’s poorly feet. We won’t go into how this happened here, but let’s just say it didn’t make us very happy.

Across the way we could see The Boardwalk. I loved staying there, it was so pretty and so sea-sidey (if that’s a word). I would stay there again in a heartbeat.

We took it in turns to take photos as we wandered around. Some of them will look very boring to you, but all of them hold memories for us 🙂 For instance, in the photo directly below, I can see my hotel room that I flashed our hotel neighbours from the balcony of (by accident, I’m no exhibitionist, please note).

The next time we stay here, I want to let the boys sit around the campfire and watch movies at night.

That will be the moment I feel like a real Disney Momma…

One of the reasons we loved this hotel so much was the pool. Stormalong Bay. We spent our last night as singlies swimming in it and sinking our feet into the silky sand on the floor of it, and I remember imagining back then how amazing it would be for us to come back with our children one day and let them play in the sand, and then eat giant ice creams at Beaches n’ Cream.

A couple of views of the pool…

After we finished staring at the pool (and wishing we could have one more swim in it) we headed off a little further towards our meeting place, passing more landmarks for us.

The place where I spent my last night as a single gal… and my first moments as a wife.

Standing there, whilst we clicked away, I relived every minute of the beginning of our ceremony. The start of the aisle, where I left my carriage…

…and then it was time for one last swing on the beach before we headed off to our meeting place…