Hey, friends! Today I’m talking about Pajama Elves – a tradition that’s added a little Christmas magic to something which I do each Christmas anyhow, which is buy new PJs for the boys. When I was little, we had new nightclothes ready for Father Christmas and it was always exciting to have a bubble bath on Christmas Eve and snuggle down ready to find out whether we’d been judged as naughty or nice that year [my sister was always wondering…haha]. Anyhow, this is a tradition which over the past 11 years of parenting has cost us £5 for the book, and £2.50 for each little bag from Etsy that we had made for the tradition. That’s about £1 a year – minus the cost of the PJs of course. It really gets them excited on Christmas Eve that the magic is near = so here’s what happens…
![Image shows the Pyjama elves [pajama elves] book by hayden edwards in the branches of a snow covered christmas tree. Image by keep up with the jones family.](
The Pajama Elves Book
The Pajama Elves Book is here on Amazon and is written by Hayden Edwards [Julie Szabo] and tells the story of the family tradition of giving little children magic pajamas which are secretly tailored by Santa’s sewing elves, so they can sleep snuggly and soundly in their beds on Christmas Eve. Honestly, it’s not the most captivating book compared to some of the stories we have [Mr. Willoughby’s Christmas Tree is a firm favourite for instance] but it brings the magic alive and it’s one of our family’s most cherished traditions. It’s also the easiest to remember to carry out too, which makes it a favourite of mine.
How does the Pajama Elves Tradition Work?
Each year, I buy the boys PJs for Christmas Eve and I save them in a hidden place. Whenever I have a minute before Christmas Eve, I fold them neatly into their PJ bags which say delivery on Christmas Eve, and have a tick in the “nice” box. I make sure I know where the book is and I put them together ready for Christmas Eve.
Every year on Christmas Eve, after making the reindeer food and cookies, and having fun with their little Christmas Eve Boxes we go for a walk around the neighbourhood, trying to spot Father Christmas flying overhead and seeing everyone’s Christmas lights. There’s a special house in our Crescent which raises money for Naomi House and we love to go and put coins in their bucket and have a photo outside the house.
Christmas Magic in Minutes
So, whilst we gaze at everyone’s sparkly and colourful Christmas lights, the Pajama Elves have visited the boys without them knowing and without me getting caught. I do this by making sure they’re busy before the walk, getting their coats and hats and scarves and gloves on downstairs and just as they are going out the door, I run upstairs and lay the book on the bed, or in their Christmas Tree – an artificial Pine Tree which they have adopted as theirs, and I place the little bags of PJs on their beds ready. Done!
The Pajama Elves are so quiet and so quick, and then they’re gone. We’ve never seen one. But they’re very exciting – because if there are elves around, Father Christmas must be nearby too…