Paw Patrol Mighty Pups Save Adventure Bay: How to Host a Gaming Party
We were compensated for playing the Paw Patrol Mighty Pups Game by Outright Games.

It’s no secret that we’re huge fans of Outright Games – we’ve recently been playing the Ben 10 Game, last week we were enjoying Zoids [and we’re a bit obsessed with that one!] but this week Hero stepped into the gaming limelight when we were invited to try Paw Patrol Mighty Pups Save Adventure Bay! He pulled rank on us and told us that he was “legendary” on “Paw Patrol On A Roll” this time last year, and so we’ve been put in our places.

Ben 10 Power Trip was the last gaming party that we hosted, and so when were offered the chance to have another, we jumped at it. Gaming parties, even in your own home with just your family [we’re currently in Lockdown 2 and so they’re the only people we’re able to hang out with physically] are more fun than just sitting down to play a new game because they make playing the game even more fun, they help with turn taking if it’s a game where there re more people in your party or family than the game provides for, and they also provide a bit of distraction from the screen when a break is needed, especially with smaller children like Hero.


So Paw Patrol Mighty Pus Save Adventure Bay is the newest game from Outright Games – a company whose games we’ve began to love more and more over the past year. Zoids is our current favourite and Gav tries to sneak a few minutes on it when I’m putting the boys to bed. He thinks I don’t notice. Haha.
This time though, it’s the Paw Patrol gang, all here for this new adventure from Outright Games – Mighty Pups Chase, Everest, Marshall, Rubble, Rocky, Skye, Tracker and Zuma set out to Save Adventure Bay through completing 7 missions for the good people of their town under the guidance of Ryder – and there are 7 mini games to enjoy too! Before we forget, it’s launch day today and so Paw Patrol Mighty Pups Save Adventure Bay from Outright Games is available from now, 6th November 2020, and playable on Nintendo Switch, PC, PS4 and Xbox One.

In this new Paw Patrol Mighty Pups game, players can become different members of the Paw Patrol. The aim of the game is to complete missions by following instructions and using a little bit of logic and collect up bone shaped cute pup treats thereby unlocking different collectables and mini games within the game.

Why are they now Mighty Pups?
The transformation of the Paw Patrol into Mighty Pups took place after a mysterious meteor hit Adventure Bay.

You see, a spaceship that Mayor Humdinger, constantly jealous rival of Adventure Bay, was planning to fly into space to become the first mayor on the moon took off without him and crashed headlong into a meteor. This meteor hurtles through the atmosphere and crash lands Adventure Bay’s sandy shores. When the Paw Patrol took a look at the glowing rock, they were blasted by its energy and transformed into Mighty Pups, each with a special power.
The Mighty Pup powers are Chase with super speed; Everest breathes ice and snow from her mouth; Marshall has super heat; Rocky creates green energy tools; Rubble has super strength; Skye is now able to fly and create her own whirlwind to ride on, controlled with her Wind Rider Wings; Tracker has a super spin and Zuma can blast water from his paws. Pretty impressive.

The animation is a solid match to the Paw Patrol episodes and the voice overs are that of the much loved pups too. Hero loved playing it – and called it the “new version” of the Paw Patrol Game. Haha.
How to play Paw Patrol Mighty Pups Game
In the game, Ryder selects two pups to complete each mission, just as he chooses them in the show, and more pups unlock as the missions are successful. Each pup comes into play when their skills are needed – and if you have a Paw Patrol fan in your home, they’ll know all too well what each pup is capable of. Haha.
To start the missions, the chosen pups pop off the slide ready for action [Ryder, Sir!].

In the Paw Patrol Mighty Pups Game, there are seven missions, each with a different resident of Adventure Bay needing the pups’ help. For example, in Everest’s Snowy Adventure, the snow needs to be scooped and pup treats collected whilst avoiding the debris and other obstacles in the road. Hero loved crashing into the obstacles as he zipped along! Gav [Daddy] took it very seriously and never missed a treat. Boo. Haha.

Ryder explains the mission before starting and the controls are very easy to use. The Pup Treat counter is in the top right of the screen so you can keep a track as you collect them.

You’re reminded of what you need to do to be successful whilst also having a free run about in the area to your Pup’s delight. Don’t forget to collect those Pup Treats!

Mini Games
In addition to the missions, there are mini games to be unlocked and played! So far Hero has played Mr. Porter’s Feast, where one of the Pups bounces about trying to collect 30 pieces of fruit from Mr. Porter’s property before the time is up and Pup Pup Boogie, where your pup competes against another in their favourite dancing contest. There are five more mini games to unlock!

So those are the basics to the game. Now it’s time to plan the party. The key to a good party is to keep it simple. I wouldn’t tell you how to host a party that’s going to take more time to stage than to enjoy, because that’s fun for no one.

Make sure everything is working as it should – controllers charged, game downloaded or cartridge responding to your console, 8K TV working . If there’s any update that needs downloading, make sure all this is taken care of first. You’d be surprised how many times we’ve sat down to play and then had to wait for a twenty minute update [I’m looking at you, Fortnite].
When it comes to parties, snacks are the most important part and so easy to make. I like fast, fun and themed snacks, and so I decided to make two for this party. I have about a hundred different cookie cutters I’ve collected over the years and after a bit of a rifle I found my bone cutter. We had some bone shaped sandwiches for lunch and then I set about making some very fast treats.

To replicate the treats in the game and the show, I made chocolate and Sprinkle covered Rice Krispie Bones – the Rice Krispie Bars are usually £1 for a pack of 4, which is better than me getting melted marshmallow everywhere by making my own. I cut them into bones, melted some chocolate for one minute in a safe bowl in the microwave and dipped one end of the bones in. We have more sprinkles than an ice cream parlour in our home so we used some mini bones and rainbow nonpareils to decorate, and popped them into the fridge for twenty minutes to set.

Our second snack [Lyoto does not like Krispie treats] was Paw Patrol Pupcorn. It took me two minutes to pop the corn in the microwave, add mini marshmallows and smarties to create our Pupcorn – for other ideas you can see our “Make Your Own Puppy Chow” bar that we created for Disney’s Puppy Dog Pals Party

Snacks done, we had a few games ready too. They don’t need to be eleborate or expensive – our boys love card games or board games and we had Paw Patrol themed cars ready, and a jigsaw.

It’s always fun to have a simple craft activity that takes a little time can help take the minds of little people who aren’t playing on the Switch off the game for a while. Make sure it’s one that’s achievable without a great deal of supervision or there will be tears. We made Paw Patrol Shields. I cut the pieces for Hero and the bigger boys cut their own. Some serious customisation took place… You can download and make your own Paw Patrol Shield Badge here!

I always have something for them to colour in. Usually they’ll colour if I do, as they love to tell me I’m doing it wrong. Last time I made a rainbow Omnitrix and got into all kinds of trouble with it from them.

We hope you enjoy your gaming party – don’t forget to join in with the Twitter party over on our channel – @KeepUpJonesFami from 1-3pm today!