We hope your week has been exciting – and as always, if you’re on Instagram, we’d love to see what you’re up to! We’re Keep Up With The Jones Family, come and say hi!
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We hope your week has been exciting – and as always, if you’re on Instagram, we’d love to see what you’re up to! We’re Keep Up With The Jones Family, come and say hi!
They say that less is more, right? Well, in a bid to free up space in our home at the moment, I’m trying rehouse rather new looking baby items that we bought and which ultimately fell into one of the following purchase categories: a] because we were told we’d absolutely need one in our lives;…
One of my most precious memories and favourite milestones with each of my boys has been the first time they smiled at me. I remember each one so vividly – the twinkle of light in their eyes, the wonder of what they’re now able to do – those little smiles that completely overwhelmed me with…
Ahh, so much has happened since I last wrote anything that wasn’t a toy review. Hero is four, we’re back from Paris and it’s nearly the summer holidays! We celebrated with a BBQ or two at the weekend in the back garden with our Spiderman paddling pool and a newly mended trampoline [thank you, Gorilla…
It’s just one month away, and we’re shortlisted for the Brilliance in Blogging awards at Britmums Live 2016. It’s THE event of the year and we’ve been to quite a few and so this year we’re happy that we know the ropes, so to speak. As well as being the Party Inspiration Round-up editor on…
Christmas has been over for a month nearly so please forgive these – but these photos somehow got lost, and they made me smile. Our Christmas cake pops were so delicious. Well, I imagine that they were…. I never got one. Not one. Argh! Poor little guy. Lyoto decided his gingerbread would talk to Father…
Oh man, your Instagram is to DIE for ????
Aw, thanks Beth! That’s so lovely of you!