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Click here for our Toy Review Catalogue to read our reviews before you buy!
There’s a kind of toy that I dread. The StikBots Pirate Movie Set is one of these toys. I know that each time I review one, in the beginning, the toy sounds amazing, and I’m positive that it’s a wonderful idea for the boys to try it out – and then the toy arrives, there…
Some books are timeless, beautiful and touch your heart whatever age you are. When you’re little though, it’s even better to see your own name in print, on those special pages. Penwizard gifted us a personalised book of the Snowdog and the Snowman which we decided to in turn give to Jensen this coming Christmas….
There’s nothing quite as sweet as seeing a teddy bear dangling by its paw from the little hand of your one. A bear that’s adored as much as Winnie the Pooh by Christopher Robin, or in my case, my Big Ted – a cuddly orange and white bear won by my Grandad, and especially for…
So, let me grab my soapbox. There, that’s better. Okay. We’ve been reviewing toys for quite some time now. We love it – and honestly I can’t say that we’ve ever been restricted in the toys we review. With three boys, I’d like to think that we’ve enjoyed our fair share of dolls and other…
So, this is a bit of a real life post. Here are my three, one in pants, one with dirty face and big brother looking the most presentable, in their toy-covered bedroom that they have yet to tidy, again. Normally I’d clear up before taking any photos, but here they are in their jumble of…
We were sent some Twisty Petz packs from Spinmaster for the purposes of this review. Twisty Petz first came into our home last year as a little goody bag freebie from the BlogOn conference. It’s a tradition that as I get home so late from Manchester on that Sunday, I sort the goody bags out…