Pumpkin Party 2012!
Baby Dragon was delighted about everything, as usual.
Baby Dragon and I got the dessert table ready. We only had two treats for the tiny table ~ cupcakes and brownies ~ but it was more than enough for us!I have a weakness in that I generally over think and stress about things like this. I’m trying to let go.
The brownies had organic vanilla chocolate bones (moulded by yours truly) stuck into them and they lay on a green rice bed.
The cupcakes were chocolate and vanilla. So good. See those little bats though? I killed them with hot water ~ now they have curled up wings like vampires. Next time they’ll have to hang upside down to look authentic

When Dadda got home from work it was time to tuck in….I love my little IKEA tables. They are ideal for this kind of thing and the boys felt so grown up (particularly Baby Dragon), helping themselves to the treats!

It wasn’t very eventful, just cute. Our Little Adventurer thanked me profusely, declaring that I was his “best” ~ “You my BEST, Momma!” I think he means best friend, or best Momma. I hope it was friend, as I’m the only one in the Momma category…