Silent Sunday…

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Before I was a parent, I had time to myself. Quite honestly, since my boys arrived, taking care of myself has become a permanent backseat priority. I used to have nice hair, make up and nails – and now I have a ponytail or plait, I’m fresh faced and my nails are bare. I’m a…
Spring has sprung! Finally the rain appears to have stopped… …even the afternoon sunshine is peeping though. ‘);
Just like Handy Manny, we celebrated Cinco de Mayo in style this year. Thankfully Mr. Lopart and his sabotaging furball Fluffy were nowhere to be found, but thanks to Discovery Foods (and the hard work of my husband at 11 p.m) we enjoyed our own mini Mexican fiesta! Since I can’t cook take any credit…
Would you drive, with rough directions scribbled on a piece of A4 without a mobile phone or sat nav, into the crazy urban jungle of London with two small children? Me either. But I did. I even managed to reach my destination fifteen minutes early (I allowed for thirty) and only had to pull in…
It’s just one month away, and we’re shortlisted for the Brilliance in Blogging awards at Britmums Live 2016. It’s THE event of the year and we’ve been to quite a few and so this year we’re happy that we know the ropes, so to speak. As well as being the Party Inspiration Round-up editor on…
I’ve read so many other people’s amazing slimming journeys online and been utterly inspired by the spectacular transformations that have happened to them – yet I’ve been equally sure that I couldn’t be that person. And so, for better or worse I’ll be as honest as possible on here about my weight loss and the…