Silent Sunday…

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It’s day six already of the Keep Britain Breastfeeding Scavenger Hunt 2014 which means that… I’m 4 days from my due date! Today we’re talking about breastfeeding beyond a year which can be a touchy subject. Unless you’re going to breastfeed exclusively at home and without anyone ever seeing you, then if you’re like me,…
I generally dislike my own birthday. Besides the fear of the Happy Birthday song [it makes me cry and I don’t know where to look when people sing it to me] I awaited my 40th year with dread. Older, wrinklier, and feeling like my life was pretty much done opportunity wise. However, so far,…
We’ve been back from Centerparcs for all of three days and already I’m willing the Summer holidays to be here – I want the lazy days where me and the boys can just be at home, in the garden, in the [let’s all cross our fingers right now] sunshine. As our Easter celebrations this year…
So it’s half term thanks to an INSET day to end the week and it’s all kicking off in our house, literally. There’s a huge issue over Trick or Treating. Usually we all dress as the same – last year was Five Nights at Freddy’s and they were Foxy, Chica and Balloon Boy. This year…
…looked a little like this. Baby Dragon was miserable with cold and our Little Adventurer had cabin fever, so we bundled up (five layers) and headed to the park. It was balance bike time! Thank you, Granny and Grandad! It’s hard to get smiles on camera from Jensen usually, but we’ve recently found a way. …