Prompted by Laura, I realise that as well as taking a long Easter break from Instagram [and then feeling like it was the first day of school again when I got back to it], I’ve been absent from here for quite some time if you don’t count the toy reviews. But we are here still. I promise.

We’re all still here, all still working on projects that aren’t published yet, and all very excited about the next year [WDW *squeeeeeaaaak*]. Tomorrow is the beginning a few days of what I call long haul travel [for me, not you guys in America, you’d laugh at me] and I’m driving up to the Midlands to do some work with Johnson and Johnsons and Tesco, and then further up north to Manchester where I’ll be speaking at BlogOn again – this time I’m running a lecture/workshop type thing. We’re going to talk first, then do some hands on editing on phones so that people can come away having prettier photos than they did before. If you’re at BlogOn and reading this, come and say hi – and if you have any questions, come and ask!

April went by really fast – the boys were all excited as Emirates kindly invited them to the FA Cup Semi Finals and they were so close to the pitch they could see themselves on TV [Hero and I cheered from home as he’s so teeny still]. We were invited to a Dumbo screening and amazing press event with Disney where the boys got face painted, ate popcorn and learned circus skills before the movie, and THEN we had another invite from Disney to travel with them around the streets of London on the Mary Poppins Returns bus and enjoy afternoon tea the Mary Poppins way. It was a mind blowing month with all of the new toys including the Nighthawk [I want one] the new Hatchimals Mermals, And then we had EASTER! The Easter Bunny turned up with LEGO and chocolates, Pop Vinyls and special little Springtime Tsum Tsums – and an afternoon egg hunt with little squishy, cuddly tsums too. It went by so fast that everything is on my camera or in my editing folders and nothing has made it here yet. Boo. Where do the days go?

Anyhow, today is END GAME DAY! I have avoided all of the spoilers, the people who think it’s okay to write their thoughts about the film with all the details all over Instagram [who does that? Blocked people do that. That’s who.] and we have our popcorn and minty bubbles [aero bubbles to you and I] at the ready for the Showcase Cinema tonight.

What else? Oh yes – In all that spare time you have when you have children, [you know, 11pm-midnight when your eyes close from exhaustion] I decided to start watching Game of Thrones! WHO KNEW IT WAS SO GOOD? Hahahaha. Gav is re-watching it alongside me which has helped enormously with all of my “Who’s that? Why did they do that? Why does John Snow know nothing? When is Winter coming? Why is she a Mother of Dragons?” questions. Despite me saying it looked horrific when Gav started watching it, I’ve finished season one and am very excited to have about 55 episodes in front of me to go.
So we’re still here – but I’m off to pack now and get everything ready. I’m going to try really hard to be on here more, and not just on Instagram – we have some exciting things coming, including planning TWO Walt Disney World trips! Hope your May is off to a good start!