Spirit Photography at Disneyland Paris

Hey, friends! There are some souvenirs from Disney that you shouldn’t come home without. If you’re a fan of Phantom Manor in Disneyland Paris [their version of the Haunted Mansion in Walt Disney World], this is one for you! It’s Disneyland Paris Spirit Photography.
Phantom Manor in Frontierland
I’ve loved The Haunted Mansion since I first ever stepped into the building in 1986 with my parents as a terrified ten year old – and when we started planning our trip to Disneyland Paris, my heart sank a little [lot] when I realised that Phantom Manor was closed for refurbishment. Our boys love anything spooky, and I was so looking forward to visiting the house of happy haunts again with them.
All was not lost though as we discovered first of all that when it does reopen, Vincent Price will be back as the narrator of the tour around the Manor – which makes it an even more exciting refurbishment – and then on the day we arrived, there was a very new and exciting photo booth!
Spirit Photography Booth at Disneyland Paris
The official release from Disneyland Paris says:
“Ghosts have been seen escaping from the Ravenswood Manor. James Collins Esq., the Thunder Mesa photographer whose studio is located above Bonanza Outfitters, has set up a mobile studio to try to capture images of these phenomena for the weekly journal, “The Mysterious Chronicle” with his innovative “Spectral Camera”. While he’s away, the playful ghosts keep taking their own photos with his camera equipment and printing copies of the newspaper!”
We were so excited to get our own Jones Family copy of ‘The Mysterious Chronicle” for 6 Euros as we had a Photopass, and we got a digital copy on our Photopass account too! Without the Photopass, copies are 12€. Here’s ours!

What I love about the photo is that it says Price Five Cents – referring to Vincent Price, whose voice is now back again in the Manor as it is in the USA after being taken away years ago – and at the bottom it refers to page 13, spoooooky!
How to Get Your Copy of The Mysterious Chronicle

How to find the Spirit Photography Booth
Head through Frontierland, past Thunder Mountain and past the Lucky Nugget Saloon. Keep going past the Undertakers [above] and past Doc Wassel’s Wagon too. It’s right at the end of the path, you can’t miss it.

There were lots of signs and fun places to pose along the way – we visited after our afternoon tea at the Lucky Nugget Saloon with Mickey, Minnie and Goofy, which was fantastic value in terms of character visits and food too.
Read about our Afternoon Tea at the Lucky Nugget Saloon

Once you reach the booth, go to the right hand side and pay. Once you’ve done that, the instructions are on the screen, you pose, wait for the lights and get captured in all your terrified glory. Get ready to ham it up or you’ll have a very boring photo, haha. Once you’re done, walk around to the right hand side and wait to collect your poster sized photograph and a tube to contain it in.
It looks exposed, but don’t worry – once you’re inside the booth, you’re hidden by a little wall of cases which makes it even nicer to use if you want do want a more fun photo and love pulling fun poses like us, but you have little ones who are a little embarrassed when the public is watching. It’s a brilliant Disney Souvenir and I’m so glad we have our little piece of the Old Ravenswood Manor history at home!