Sunday Morning Monkey…
He might be three, but he’s still my baby…

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It was only a week or so ago that I was lamenting the loss of my first born’s babyhood, thinking I would close the chapter of his crammed to bursting baby book that covers “firsts” and continue to feel blue for all eternity…or something like that. I was sad, anyhow. No more! This week bought…
Well, sort of. In the style that Mary would be proud of anyway. For his birthday, our Little Adventurer received the coolest set of wildlife-loving gifts ever from his cousins in the Midlands. Saturday morning it seemed a particularly good time to break into one of the boxes and make a start and so we…
Over the past few months I’ve been having quite a bit of fun playing with new technology. As Gav has been an IBMer for around two decades now, it’s usually him who plays around with technology but this time it’s been what I’ve termed “blogger” technology – and although I’m never that clever in figuring…
We’ve been struck down with Dadda’s bug and so things are a little hard going in our house at the moment. No sleep for Momma, sad Baby Dragon, our Little Adventurer in denial of being ill, and huskies that are traipsing enough mud in for a couple of hippos to wallow in. In any case,…
I only have one funny breastfeeding story, and I’m slightly horrified to share it, but as it’s bound to have happened to someone else (please, please let it have happened to one of you) I’m going to share it anyway. Breastfeeding Jensen did not come easy. After three months though I was getting the hang…
It’s me! On the blog. I can’t even look at it without grimacing. And having my photograph taken? How hard can it be to look at the camera, I wondered – since I’m constantly the one yelling at asking my boys to look at my lens – and as soon as one is pointed at…