#Easter Fun Food

Easter Memories 2013: Bunny Bean Bark
Afterthe horror of watching over 200 beans take a dive into white chocolate (on Dadda’s watch, I blamefully hasten to add) last year at the baby hands of our Little Adventurer, this year I foolishly kindly agreed to let the boys make it again. We had warm, melted, Green & Black’s chocolate, dolly mixtures, Smarties…

It’s no secret that Our Little Adventurer likes to celebrate. After the sacrifice of his own birthday party this year due to the cost of our upcoming Disney trip, (which will be SO worth it when we get there!) we’ve tried to make it up to him in less expensive ways, scattered throughout the year….

Easter Memories 2013: The Rice Krispie Chick Nests (DIY Post)
After seeing a million and two Pinterest ideas on the perfect Easter, I rapidly came to the conclusion that with Baby Dragon hanging on my leg whenever I try to spend more than two minutes alone in the kitchen, none of them were going to happen even if I did possess the awesome skills required…

Easter Memories 2013: Bunny Pancakes
This Easter morning I decided to give the boys something cute to do with their breakfast instead of just eat it. Everyone likes to play with their food, right? So after spending the previous evening piping white and blue chocolate into the shape of bunny ears, in the morning we whipped up some American pancake…

The Horror House of Easter Treats 2012 Revisited
So I was sorting through my photos today at naptime and I realised that I had completely missed posting about our goings-on in our household at Easter time! Our house was a mess, things weren’t perfect and we were still learning to be a family of 6, and so things weren’t as perfect or beautiful…