Words for Wednesday…

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Having been in labour twice, and giving birth once on St. Valentine’s Day, we celebrate the birthdays of two beautiful little boys instead of romance on February 14th [and 15th] in our house. Although there’s no candlelit supper, rose petals or champagne sadly, I do have the most precious memories [the flash-backs of the excruciating pain have stopped,…
This month I discovered that there are all kinds of shortcuts you can use on Twitter! I had no idea.I’ve copied out the most used ones by me, I hope they’re useful to someone! You can find the whole list by pressing ? on your keyboard.
I still remember how difficult I found it to learn to tell the time – and Jens is at the age now where he wants to know [as does Yotie] what the time is independently. Part of me knows that he wants to learn so badly to see if we’re pulling the wool over his…
Usually when the postman arrives, he comes bearing toy review boxes. This week, he came with two very sturdy, very interesting looking parcels for the boys, from Mrs. Wordsmith. Now sit tight, because this is going to be a long one. I’ve realised more and more over the summer holidays that despite no longer being…
I’m a confirmed baby wearer, for a myriad of reasons – and despite being bought the most beautiful pram when Jensen Indiana was born, I just never got used to using one. I cringed when I caught people’s ankles, got frustrated when people on foot cut in front of me and I huffed and puffed…
This lazy Summer photo has absolutely nothing in common with the post I’m writing, but I love it. In truth, I’m sat in my Primark cotton pyjamas, crunched over the body of an 11 month old baby who has drifted sweetly to dreamland, as I mentally try to organise the rest of my week and…