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The Care Bears. There’s a small bear who peeps out at me every morning and evening that I open my bathroom cabinet. He has a heart on his tummy and two heart shaped balloons in his paw. If you were a child of the ’80s you’ll know exactly who I’m hiding in my bathroom closet. A Care Bear.
Tenderheart Bear was the first Care Bear that I ever owned. He was a Care Bear miniature and my mom bought him for me when she had to take my sister to the doctors for something and I was at school. I still remember my little sister running over to me with the pack and showing me what we’d got because of her being brave. She had Cheer Bear with a rainbow jump rope, and I had my very own Tenderheart Bear. I’ve had him for over 35 years now.The Care Bears were everything to me growing up – to toys, the movie and then the TV series and although I have Wagon Wheel Syndrome when it comes to the new series [I liked the old series which I grew up with], I still love them just as much and more times than I’ll admit have I tried to steer my boys into choosing them as presents, haha.
Anyhow…. Finally a day arrived when something for review arrived that was for ME, just ME and only ME. The Care Bears sent me a gorgeous package of a fluffy LoveaLot Bear, a Cheer Heart bear with little PJ top on, some squishy little Care Bears and then a face mask, mug with hot chocolate, jelly bears to eat [perish the thought] and some soft, fluffy socks. Let’s just say I love my face pack, thank you very much. The rest was gleefully taken off my hands by the boys who think that their pink and fluffy new friends are the best ever. Thank heavens I still have my little Tenderheart. Haha.