Sharing is caring!

One of my favourite childhood songs growing up and hearing my mom and dad’s music playing on the tape recorder was by Glenn Campbell.  The lyrics were, “You’ve got to try a little kindness, just show a little kindness.  Yes, shine your light for everyone to see.  And if you’ll try a little kindness then you’ll overlook the blindness, of the narrow minded people, on the narrow minded streets.”

Raising three boys is a challenge.  I want them to grow up respectful but confident, assertive yet not arrogant – but more than anything, I want them to be kind.  Lately I’ve seen more rude, more impatient, less tolerant and altogether more unpleasant people and behaviour than I care for, from grown people.  Not toddlers having a tantrum or young schoolchildren having a meltdown because their brother has taken their toy.  Grown ups. Huffing, tutting, making rude comments, rolling eyes – at the smallest of inconveniences in their everyday lives.

We love the Clangers – just as my own dad did when he was young – we subscribe to The Clangers magazine and we have a few little Clangers around the house, like Small Clanger who cuddles up with Hero.  Now the Clangers are trying to put the kindness balance back into the universe with their Clangers for Kindness campaign – and they have given us two jigsaws to give away to one of you, and spread a little kindness for your Autumn nights.

Our Facebook page gets quite lonely sometimes thanks to the algorithm – and so we’re showing our Facebook friends a little kindness by posting over there with our Clangers for Kindness giveaway.  So, to win these two jigsaws for now the Autumn nights are here, pop over to our Facebook page and let us know either when a small act of kindness has made your day – or a moment when you’ve tried to show kindness to someone lately.

Good luck – the Clangers for Kindess competition ends November 13th.



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