Easter Sunday 2020. Despite all that’s going on in the world with the Coronavirus Pandemic, in our own tiny corner, this year I thanked my lucky stars that I’d already bought the sparkly foil wrapped bunny shaped chocolates and glorious Easter themed books even earlier than usual on some kind of alleged spread-the-cost mission [which is what I tell myself when I buy them ridiculously early because I’ve gotten over excited] in the supermarket and then get a case of buyer’s remorse when I get home and feel I have to justify my bags of seasonal fripperies.

When Walt Disney World closed on my birthday [now my birthday is in WDW history books, woo-hoo, hahahaha] I knew we were in it for the long haul and started to panic a little. The word lockdown to me meant something much more severe than the situation we currently find ourselves in, I had no idea that we were going to be able to go out for food and supplies – and so I had a bit of a cold sweat going on over it all.
Anyhow, as it turned out the lockdown just meant common sense and staying home unless shopping for food. Staying home meant not going somewhere pretty for the Easter Hunt. Usually we go to my in-laws, as Easter is the holiday that’s the prettiest and so it never, EVER takes place in our garden. It’s forbidden. Our garden is husky torn, child worn and has had the dear life sucked out of it by the huge trees at the foot of our garden which I’m actually allergic to. It isn’t a pretty, bunny-laden paradise. The grass at the moment is at least 6 inches deep on the clumps that have dared to try and grow before being uprooted by a small boy creating a den for his Schleich creatures and we have half a fence on the one side missing which went down shortly after we entered quarantine. This paradise was now to become the place of the Annual Easter Egg Hunt.
I pre-warned the boys that the Easter Bunny might not be allowed to travel – and then the New Zealand Prime Minister declared that the Easter Bunny should be classified as a Key Worker and they were ecstatic. Or eggstatic. You know I can’t help myself.
So the Easter Bunny got himself together, packed those baskets with Easter goodies and on Easter Sunday 2020, he popped those rainbow eggs all over our garden, trying to make the best of it all. He wrote on the windows and he wrote on the wall with paint sticks and he filled our trampoline [one of the best children’s trampolines we’ve ever had – 10 years and still standing!] with pastel balloons. He also pooped jellybeans all over the path and sprinkled chocolate coins as he went. It wasn’t bad at all. He even ate his carrot neeblers we made him. I can’t say neeblers without singing the song from Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck’s cartoon.

The boys woke up on Easter morning and as usual waited for the all clear before they came down. It’s like a boy-holding pen at the top of the landing where they dare not peep too far. Haha. Finding the Easter Baskets comes first. Three little sets of peepers start searching the room as they come down the stairs, looking for any hint that a magical character has been.

I love making the Easter baskets up – but this year they weren’t [obviously] great – but I do love knowing what’s in other people’s Easter baskets, so in ours we had…

Jensen’s Easter Basket
- Lego Dots Pineapple Pen Holder Set
- Lucky Llama Pop Vinyl
- The Skies Above Our Eyes Book
- Oi! Sticker Book
- Peely Fortnite T-Shirt
- Chocolates
- Easter Glasses
- Easter Baseball Cap
Lyoto’s Easter Basket
Lyoto had the same shirt, glasses, and Oi Book, and then…
- Schleich Ice Bear
- Paws McDraw Book
- Cuphead King Dice Pop Vinyl – I should point out that we bought a normal King Dice [£8] with style to be chosen at random and ended up with a special edition luckily!
Hero’s Easter Basket
Hero’s different items were…
- Hulk Avengers End Game Pop Vinyl
- The First Easter Hunt Book
- Captain America Duplo Set
If you watch our Instagram stories you’ll know I made about 20 pain au chocolate and cinnamon rolls for breakfast without burning them [they were frozen/from Jus Roll, I’m no pastry chef], and then they were ready to do the Easter hunt. Baskets are always first because we need them to collect the eggs. I love our Easter baskets as they’re something they’ll use until their last ever Easter hunt which I hope is years and years, and yeeeeears from now. I bought them from Pottery Barn in the USA and had them shipped over with no small degree of difficulty – names wrongly spelled, wrong baskets received, and it took me MONTHS to get them. Months of arguments and emails and calls. Deep breaths. They’re beautifully made though and have their names embroidered in pale blue on the lining. They look as if the Bunny himself made them. I could gush all day about them, if I don’t think about what a palaver it was to get them here.
So the hunt – because oddly I had lots of questions about where I got my eggs from – but we have 100 eggs, collected over 10 years of parenting. Glittery, pearlescent, some with faces, some metallic – and this year we added to them with this set from Amazon which came with HUGE egg shells even if we only had 11 instead of 12 [which caused issues when swapping with each other]. These 100 were scattered around the garden to their delight and I stood there and snapped as they hopped about the smallest contained hunt they’ve ever been on. They loved it, and I’m so grateful. It’s more about collecting them than eating the contents for those of you out there horrified I have an average of 30 eggs per child, which means we now have mini chocolates galore for months. We’ve put different mini toys in each year though too – some that I can remember were:
- Lego Mini Figures of Batman Characters
- Disney Tsum Tsums
- Stretchy Creatures
Everything is uploaded now, so you can head over to our new post to see what our Easter Egg Hunt 2020 turned out like!

A lovely post! No wonder the boys look so happy.
We never made up Easter baskets but did hide Easter eggs for a hunt. Sorry that Jacinda Ardern stitched you up but it sounds like you were well ready, anyway. Glad it was such fun. The boys will treasure these memories forever.