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In our
last recap (here) we were about to head to the Plaza for some ice cream before catching the bus back to the Art of Animation Resort to get ready for our first Mickey’s Not So Scary Hallowe’en Party (MNSSHP). It was our first, and certainly not our last visit to the tiny parlour on the corner of Main Street USA. I got mint choc-chip and it was heavenly.

Eating ice cream this good is serious business.
After trying to clean up sticky ice cream with dry paper napkins (note to self, remember wipes each and every day) we joined the mass exodus out of the park…
…and by the time we’d jumbled on and off the bus and walked the windy road to the Little Mermaid building at the resort, someone was asleep. Exhausted.
We used this time to our advantage; after a trip to the food court for hot chocolate and coffee, Dadda and I showered and had a quick change, applied our ghosty make up, and within ten minutes of him awaking from his nap, we were out of the door again and marching toward our bus stop for another trip to the Magic Kingdom for our first ever Hallowe’en Party…
As we arrived and entered the park, Baby Dragon decided at this point that this clearly was his shift to sleep, and so Jensen watched the last parade before the park closed to the rest of the public.
After a few rides, it got darker very fast…and more and more exciting! Main Street was all lit up orange with dancing lights of bats and pumpkins bouncing over the buildings. Jensen was awestruck. The music was far too loud for Lyoto though, who cowered and nuzzled into me for protection.
As we missed lunch on account of so much ice cream, Jensen and I queued in Casey’s Corner with about a million other people and got our first hot dogs of the trip. I hate hot dogs in England…but give me Casey’s Dogs and I’m a happy Momma! Jensen absolutely loved them too, and after devouring his, turned to my chilli dog and had some of that too. Baby Dragon was still terrified but ate some apple slices sat with me as I tried to acclimatise him to the noise and lights.
After our munchies, the crowds grew faster than I’d ever seen before and remade our way over to Pirates of the Caribbean so that Jensen could ride for the first time. I was going to join them until we remembered that this was the ride in Disneyland Paris on which I was thrown forward when the boat got bumped, and we lost the baby soon afterwards. Obviously it wasn’t the ride that caused our little one’s tragedy, but I didn’t want to take any risks and so I waited outside whilst my boys rode.
We tried to view the parade but it was too hard to even walk with the stroller with or against the crowds, and so we made the decision to return home. We had the party on Hallowe’en night to look forward to, and we were all desperately tired from our big first day, and so we slowly Rapunzel’s tower on the way!