Birthday posts are coming soon [as soon as I’ve culled, edited photos and written them], after a post on our favourite new TV gadget!
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Birthday posts are coming soon [as soon as I’ve culled, edited photos and written them], after a post on our favourite new TV gadget!
Red, white and blue flowers?! It must be time for Britmums Live! We’re over at the Britmums site, talking about how to prepare for the most exciting social networking event of the blogging year! Come on over – are you going? Have you been before? What’s your best tip for a happy, stress free conference?
This post is compensated by #CollectiveBias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. In our house of three little boys, there are six sticky, muddy, grubby hands with 30 wiggly, fidgety, curious fingers. Wiping, poking, scraping, scrabbling and flicking, smooshing, smashing and smearing everything, everywhere. Nothing is out of bounds – nothing remains…
I’ve been changing bottoms for six years now. I consider myself an expert. We’ve cloth nappied our boys in the day, but at night – or when they’re wearing slimline clothes that just won’t accommodate a fluffy bottom, we’ve always trusted Pampers to keep them dry. Over the past couple of months we’ve worked with…
There are two rooms in my house that make me want to cry at times in frustration. The kitchen and the bathroom. Although my bathroom would benefit from a complete overhaul, my kitchen deserves the most love by far, having not been decorated since we were married way back when in Once Upon A Time…
Candles are a hot commodity in my family – my mom has always adored them, and now the love is spreading in my home too. Jensen and Lyoto recently accompanied me on a trip to begin my usual seasonal candle haul for Autumn cosiness and managed to entertain most of the staff in the store…
Breakfast this morning was delicious. The lovely people at Lizi’s Granola sent us me some of their pecan and treacle mix to try. Thinking this might be something that I would enjoy myself, and would make a delightful change to my regular cereal (or lack of cereal most mornings), I perched on the fraction of…
It looks like you've got some beach lovers in your house! I wish we lived close to the beach because we love it. Great pictures too!
Hanging at the beach is a wonderful way to spend the day. There's something about the sound of the waves and wave jumping that just can't be beat.
I grew up at the beach and this just totally take me back! It looks like you've got two little guys who really love it as well and can I just say, their matching outfits are adorable!
Your sons look like they are loving their day at the beach. Being near the ocean has always soothed my soul that's for sure! Great photos! 🙂
I love the sea and hope to one day see it again. I love to sit and wiggle my feet in it.
What adorable boys and outfits and photos! I love the beach and can't wait to start our vacation on Sunday.
What an awesome way to spend the day! The beach was a gift within itself. Looks like the boys enjoyed themselves.
They look like they're having a great time together! Those outfits are really cute. They're perfect for beach days!
I love taking thr kids to the beach. It is a great place for a birthday party. I look forward to seeing the photos.
There's nothing like a day at the beach with family. It's just a fun and relaxing way to spend time.
The boys looked like they had a blast. We love going to the beach, too and we try to go as often as we can every summer.
What a fun day at the beach. I'm hoping we can hit the beach soon. Can't wait to see your birthday posts.
I would love to live near the beach, it seems like it would be so relaxing. I haven't been to the beach since I was a little girl.
Looks like y'all had a blast at the beach! When I lived in Fl we went to the beach all the time! Just so much fun!
I miss being close to the beach. Your boys are adorable.
The boys looks like they are having so much fun! I wish we live near the beach, we are so far away!
Those are some spectacular images of the beach! Looks like you all had a great time! I would love to go to the beach sometime soon!
These are such great photos. I love the matching outfits. So many smiles and I don't blame them. I love hanging out at the beach, too.
Looks like you and your family had a blast at the beach! I love the pictures you shared!
We love the beach! We used to go every summer and this summer we didn't. I have been itching to go!
They look so cute in matching outfits. My kids love going to the beach. It is a great way to spend the day.
Gorgeous pictures! My kids love the beach. Especially my daughter. She wants to go everyday! Happy belated birthday to Hero!