Top 10 Leprechaun Tricks
Hey, Friends! Happy St. Patrick’s day! If you’re in the run up to March 17th and your kids are hinting at how excited they are for the leprechaun to come to their home because of ALLLL the naughty things they do…and you’re suffering flashbacks from Elfcapade season, don’t worry – I’ve got you. I’ve been leprechauning [and that’s a verb for sure] for ten years now. I know my [green] stuff. Today I’m talking about my top 10 leprechaun tricks [spoiler – there may be more than that].

What Kind of Pranks Does a Leprechaun Pull?
Leprechauns are known to be cheeky and take liberties – and we’ve had a malarkey loving, hammer wielding little chap in our home since 2010. His name is Dublin – and Lyoto swears he also has an evil twin called “Doubler”. I wouldn’t put that past him. I thought I’d share some of the things Dublin the Leprechaun has gotten up to in our home over the years that are easy to stage with little or no preparation – because the last thing I want to be doing on my birthday evening is spending hours setting up in an elf on the shelf crafts style.

Our Leprechaun Tomfoolery Top Ten
There are thirteen. Not ten, but top 13 doesn’t sound nearly as impressive somehow. Haha. So here we go – some good old fashioned malarkey is just around the corner…

- Turn the Toilet Water Green – drop a little bit of food colouring into the toilet bowl and you’re all set!
- Add Green Moustaches to Toys and Photographs. This one the boys LOVED. Seeing Toy Story’s Bullseye sporting a green ‘stache was hilarious. You can of course attach them to your kids before they wake up too if they’re not likely to stir.
- Turn the Milk, Eggs, and whatever else you can, green. I’m not a huge fan of food colouring [although you wouldn’t know it if you saw the Rainbow Pancakes I made but I make an exception on March 17th.
- Streamer tape the bedroom door. A little roll of crepe paper streamer goes a long way – the boys thought it was brilliant that the Leprechaun was trying to stop them from getting his gold by trapping them.
- Little Green Footprints – especially on the toilet seat! You can buy leprechaun feet stickers or clench your fist, and use the part you’d slam on a desk if you were a very angry person to dip in paint to make the main part of a foot, and fingerpaint the little toes in.
- Cheeky Messages to taunt the kids in random places – just remember not to use your own handwriting. Ours write in stickers, a bit like a crazy ransom note. You can also write on mirrors and windows with Little Brian Paint Sticks – they come off really easily and are fun to use for a million other projects too.
- Leprechaun Tattoos – sparkly tattoos came be applied easily with a warm sponge whilst they’re sleeping!
- This one only applies if you’re obsessed with the Lucky Charms cereal like I have been since I visited America in 1986. If you do [and you can get them from ASDA and Sainsburys], he will steal all of the marshmallows from the Lucky Charms. Pah.
- Fill a room with green balloons – there’s nothing like a carpet of balloons to make your kids smile.
- Evading the leprechaun trap – if you make a trap [any decorated box with bait will do], the first thing your little one will want to check is to see if it worked. We always leave “better luck next year” notes on them and make them look as if they’ve been tampered with.
- Swap all of the toothbrushes/socks/pants for green ones – you can get really cheap toothbrushes from the supermarket.
- Turn furniture upside down – you can take this one as far as you like. Some people have gone BIG with it. Haha.
- Leave Leprechaun Gold Coins and Shamrocks around the house – ours randomly leaves them throughout the day, and I hear excited shrieks when they find one.

What are Leprechauns Supposed to Leave?
It’s not all prank, prank, prank – he does spread a little bit of Irish charm and magic too thankfully. Our Irish friends say the Leprechaun is supposed to leave little pieces of his chocolate gold – gold coins – as that’s his most prized possession. Ours have left little Lucky Loot Baskets before which were a hit, and another year they left jars of rainbow sweeties for the boys and cheeky messages to lead them on escapades to find it. The best thing ours ever left, when I asked the boys, was a “magical” piece of Leprechaun gold – a coin with Ireland and a Leprechaun on it. We got ours from Carrolls Irish Gifts.

I hope you enjoyed our Top 10 Leprechaun tricks – let us know if you have any suggestions to add!
For more St. Patrick’s Day Inspiration:
St. Patrick’s Day Rainbow Pancake Party
St. Patrick’s Day Celebrations Made Simple
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