Walt’s Restaurant – Disneyland Paris
Walt’s Restaurant in Disneyland Paris on Main Street. You can spot it from the beautiful sign on the left hand side of Main Street as you walk towards the castle. We had come back from our Disney Fairytale Wedding in Florida earlier in the year and having eaten at Victoria and Albert’s, we were really keen to eat at Walt’s in Disneyland Paris and see how it compared.
If you’re planning a trip to Disneyland Paris, check out our guide to planning your holiday!
I don’t think I’ll take the boys here for dinner until they are much older, but it was a lovely respite from the biting cold as a couple when we visited in December as we watched the Main Street Electrical Parade from the window and didn’t have to jostle for a place on the sidewalk. It’s worth nothing that although there are seats downstairs, you can request an upstairs window seat like we did – remember when you book to ask.

Now you know how to recognise it from the outside, let’s get to the good part – the food! So the rest of the photos were taken before I knew how to use a camera. At all. So I apologise – and when we visit Walt’s Restaurant again in future I’ll be sure to take better photographs. All I can say is that I was wearing seven – SEVEN layers and three hats [no joke] to walk down Main Street beforehand and was so happy to be in the warm, so forgive our appearance too – but we were having fun though.
So the entrance to the restaurant is very grand – a bust of Walt’s head greets you – not literally, it’s just there for you to look at, haha – and then you are able to go upstairs to your seating, or wherever your table is. There are portraits of Walt and Disney all over the walls, and I would have loved to have taken the time to look at them all.
The menu was on the Mickey board just outside if you wanted to take a look.

Everything is very grand and ornate, and there’s so much to see [more to see than can ever be seen in one trip]. Then upstairs we were led to a table in one of the rooms, of which there are a few.
A lovely waitress tried to take our photo but, well, er…. hahaha. You can see our view of Main Street though!

Then we were handed the menus. I wish we could have bought a copy because they were beautiful.

So this was the inside of the menu for all of you who love seeing photos of Disney days gone by.

And now the food! There were two different fixed price menus as far as I remember – starter and main, which was 27 euros, or starter, main and dessert which was 37 euros. We had the latter one, and I’m so glad we did.

These were the starters on offer. Everything was very sophisticated.

These were the main courses on offer when we visited – also very fine dining. Looking back I wish I had ordered the salmon – not because I didn’t enjoy mine, but I love fish more.

The starters were hot. So hot. My belly was warmed within minutes and the cold melted away as we were made to feel at home despite looking like abominable snowmen with all our layers and bags of Disney souvenirs.

Our main courses – Gav had the lamb [top] which was a work of art, and I had the chicken. Both very tasty indeed.

The desserts were heaven.

We finished with coffee, in a cup I wish they sold. SO cute. They really should have had Mickey shaped sugar cubes though. That’s one of the things I really notice between Disneyland Paris and Walt Disney World – the Mickey food. Whenever we visit Florida we know we can get Mickey shaped foods and novelty snacks, and it’s one of the best parts of our trip. Disneyland Paris has a long way to go in that department.

So the photos of the parade are awful, but you can see how close we were! Warm and happy, watching the parade in a comfortable seat, with coffee and biscuits.

We weren’t rushed to leave, we took our time and finished our coffee, and then wrapped back up again and headed out into the cold. Highly recommended!
Other Disneyland Paris Restaurants we recommend: