We love a good book in our house – books are some of my favourite gifts to give the boys, and Gav never, EVER complains no matter how many I get them [which is why they have so many]. This Christmas in addition to the sweet tale of How Winston Delivered Christmas, we added a new book to the present stack – one we got to make ourselves, and it was so much fun – and so much faster than I thought, too!
Entitled Wish[ish] words for the Jones Boys, it’s a pretty funky little number with pages of advice for our boys, tailored by me and Gav. We chose the street art look from the three themes available and set to creating it.
There’s a customisable intro and outro [is outro a word?] – which I had a little cry over when writing, as I was trying to give them all my best advice and it all got a bit Christmassy and emotional in my head – and then the rest of the book is ready to edit online, with quotes to chose from for each page, or you can write your own. Below are some of the pages we created! The entire creating and ordering process took us around 30 minutes and it was just brilliant. I was a little terrified it was going to take me all day to do, but it was really simple and the outcome is a brilliant book for the boys that they’re going to love, filled with words from our hearts. The book also arrived within a few days and we had emails to tell us when it was on its way which was very lovely too.

You can make your Wise[ish] words book here – prices start at £19.99 for a book like ours! They make beautiful presents and are really simple to make. We couldn’t love ours more.

We were gifted Wise[ish] Words for the Jones Boys for review. All opinions are honest and our own.